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x-The Heartlands

**Location: The Heartlands** Type: Plains Region   **Introduction:** The Heartlands, stretching across the center of Faerûn, are the crossroads of the continent and the cradle of its civilization. This expansive region of rolling plains, fertile farmlands, and verdant hills provides sustenance and strategic value, having given birth to some of the most influential cities in the realms.   **Geographical Features:** The geography of the Heartlands is characterized by its wide, sweeping plains, dotted with occasional clusters of rolling hills. Major rivers like the Chionthar and the Dessarin crisscross the region, supplying its fertile soil and encouraging the proliferation of life. The eastern edge of the Heartlands gently rises to form the Sunset Mountains, while the western boundary eases into the High Moor.   **Ecosystem:** The Heartlands' ecosystem is defined by the interplay of its open grasslands and riverine environments. The plains are home to various grassland species, from grazing herd animals to the predators that stalk them, while the rivers support a rich variety of aquatic life and waterfowl.   **Ecosystem Cycles:** Seasonal changes distinctly mark the Heartlands, with winters that can range from mild to harsh, followed by a blooming spring and a hot, sunny summer. Autumn colors the landscape in vibrant hues as plants prepare for the coming cold. The region is particularly lush following the spring thaw, with a proliferation of life taking advantage of the abundant resources.   **Localized Phenomena:** The Heartlands are known for their 'Wandering Hills', a rare phenomenon where certain hills are believed to change location overnight, believed by locals to be the work of ancient, mischievous earth elementals.   **Climate:** The Heartlands enjoy a temperate climate with significant variations between summer and winter temperatures. Summers can be hot, with most rainfall occurring during this season, while winters are cold, particularly in the north.   **Flora & Fauna:** The region's flora is primarily made up of tall grasses, wildflowers, and shrubs, with forests of oak and elm along the riverbanks. Fauna includes herd animals like deer and bison, predators such as wolves and foxes, and a variety of bird species.   **Natural Resources:** The Heartlands' most significant resource is its fertile soil, making it a breadbasket for many surrounding regions. The rivers provide fresh water and fish, while its forests offer timber and game.   **History:** The Heartlands have been a significant center of civilization for centuries, with its fertile plains fostering the growth of several influential cities. The region's history is a tapestry of cultures, conflicts, and alliances, reflecting the diversity and dynamism of its people.   **Tourism:** Tourists are drawn to the Heartlands for its natural beauty, historical significance, and vibrant cultural festivals. The region offers a variety of experiences, from tranquil river cruises to explorations of ancient ruins and bustling city markets.
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