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Toril, often referred to as Abeir-Toril, is a fascinating and diverse planet in the Prime Material Plane. It's a realm where mortal races coexist with gods, magic is as common as swordplay, and where grand civilizations rise and fall against the backdrop of an ever-changing world. From the frost-covered reaches of Icewind Dale to the scorching deserts of Calimshan, Toril offers an array of landscapes and cultures that encapsulates the vibrancy of its inhabitants' lives and histories.


Toril is characterized by vast continents, expansive oceans, and diverse geographical features. Its largest continent, Faerûn, is a varied tapestry of towering mountain ranges, dense forests, fertile plains, and harsh tundras. To the east lies the exotic continent of Kara-Tur with its majestic peaks and fertile river valleys, while to the south, the large landmass of Zakhara forms a desert realm. Maztica , across the Trackless Sea to the west of Faerûn, is a continent of lush jungles and grand civilizations.


Toril's ecosystems are as diverse as its continents. Faerûn hosts a temperate ecosystem featuring deciduous forests, grasslands, and tundra. Kara-Tur's habitats vary from snowy mountains to fertile plains and jungles, while Zakhara is known for its arid desert ecosystems. Maztica boasts tropical rainforests filled with exotic life forms.

Ecosystem Cycles

Given Toril's size and varied geography, the planet witnesses a broad range of ecosystem cycles. From the seasonal changes of Faerûn's forests and plains to the wet and dry seasons of Maztica tropical rainforests, the cyclic nature of life is a universal constant on this vibrant world.

Localized Phenomena

Toril is home to many unique and magical phenomena. For instance, the perpetual storm known as the Everhorizon on the Endless Wastes, or the Weave, the inherent fabric of magic, which is an integral part of Toril's existence.


Toril's climate is as diverse as its landscapes, with each continent experiencing its own weather patterns. Faerûn has a temperate climate overall but can vary dramatically from its northern to southern regions. Kara-Tur ranges from harsh winters in its northern regions to tropical warmth in the south. Zakhara experiences a hot, arid climate, while Maztica has a hot, humid tropical climate.

Fauna & Flora

The flora and fauna of Toril are vast and varied. From the common creatures of Faerûn's forests and plains to the exotic creatures of Maztica's jungles, life on Toril is abundant. The presence of magical beasts and mythical creatures further enriches the biodiversity of this world.

Natural Resources

Toril is blessed with an abundance of natural resources. Precious metals and gemstones can be found in the mountains of Faerûn and Kara-Tur, while Zakhara's deserts are rich in mineral resources. The forests of Maztica provide valuable timber, and the oceans teem with marine life.


The history of Toril is an epic tale of creation, struggle, and transformation. It's a world shaped by the actions of mortals, gods, and mythical creatures alike, with each era leaving indelible marks on its lands and cultures.


Tourism in Toril is a testament to its richness and diversity. From the cultural hubs and ancient ruins of Faerûn to the mystical allure of Kara-Tur, the exotic charm of Zakhara, and the untamed beauty of Maztica, Toril offers a plethora of experiences to its visitors.
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