Lord Protector of Neverwinter William Dagult Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Lord Protector of Neverwinter William Dagult

Lord Protector of Neverwinter William Dagult

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong and built

Body Features

"pumpkin-brown" hair, deep-set dark eyes, and broad shoulders.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dagult Neverember grew up in Neverwinter, where he began to dream about creating a mercantile empire.[18] At some point he moved to Waterdeep and married a member of the Brandarth family, adding her broad property holdings and wealth to his own.[19] She bore him a son, Renaer, before dying when Renaer was still in his youth. She left everything to Renaer rather than to Dagult, which contributed to Dagult's rocky relationship with his son.[13][14] Years after the destruction of Neverwinter, in 1469 DR[20] Neverember started the New Neverwinter movement to rebuild the city, claiming himself to be a descendant of Neverwinter's former rulers and thus the rightful "Lord Protector" of Neverwinter. To lend credence to his claims, Neverember invested a great deal of his own personal fortune to rebuild the city's infrastructure, buy the interest of merchants, and even ensure that Neverwintan refugees had enough food and gold in hand.[21]   Neverembers' true intentions were to increase the prosperity of the city in order to gain the favor and love of the Neverwintans, so that they would welcome him as their king in the future; and to transform Neverwinter into the center of a powerful mercantile empire under his rule.[8] The Sons of Alagondar, an underground movement associated with the Harpers, resisted Neverember's reign in Neverwinter, fearing that his aims were imperialistic and would not aid the people of the city in the long run.[21]   In 1479 DR, Neverember became the Open Lord of Waterdeep.[2][18] Thanks to his political acumen and resources, Waterdeep began to thrive after years of neglect,[17] and he sold many noble titles to potential allies he could rely in the future while profitting in the process.[22] As he was busy with his new duties in Waterdeep, he left the day-to-day running of Neverwinter to General Sabine and Mayor Soman Galt.[8] While in Neverwinter, Dagult operated out of the Hall of Justice.[23]   That same year, Neverember conspired with Khondar "Ten-Rings" Naomal to find the Overlord's Helm in order to find out the secrets of his fellow Lords of Waterdeep; it was unlikely, however, that he was aware of the full extent of Khondar's plans to establish wizards as the rulers of Waterdeep.[24]   When a "Lost Heir" of the Alagondar bloodline made public his claim to the throne of Neverwinter, Neverember instructed General Sabine to hire a group of adventurers to track down the so-called heir and discover his true intentions.[25]   In 1486 DR, Neverember, along with General Sabine and Jelvus Grinch, met with Bruenor Battlehammer and Emerus Warcrown in Neverwinter to discuss the reclamation of Gauntlgrym from the drow.[26]   At some point before 1489 DR, Neverember embezzled half a million dragons and made an arrangement with the gold dragon Aurinax: in exchange for the Dragonstaff of Ahghairon, Aurinax would guard the gold until Neverember wanted it back. He then removed the information from his mind, and stored it in an artifact known as the Stone of Golorr.[27]   In 1489 DR, Neverember and other members of the Lords' Alliance met with a group of adventurers, and discussed how to deal with Skyreach Castle.[28] The adventurers set out on a task, and during this time, Neverember was replaced as Open Lord by Laeral Silverhand.[1][7][28] After the adventurers had returned, the lords met with the metallic dragon, Otaaryliakkarnos, who was disguised as a human known as Elia. During this second meeting, they discussed how to deal with the growing threat of the Cult of the Dragon and sent the adventurers to meet with a group of metallic dragons.[28]   After being ousted from his former position, Neverember focused all of his efforts in his role of Lord Protector of Neverwinter, which had slowly begun being restored as a center of civilization in the Sword Coast.[1] However, bitter over this event, Neverember became even more despotic and began to enforce more heavy-handed laws in Neverwinter. He enacted high taxes and harsh regulations on the nobility and guilds in an effort to stifle any political competition, and likewise, it was rumored that he had killed any person who claimed to be a descendant of the Alagondar family.[29]   Due to this commitment and his past accomplishments helping Neverwinter and its citizens, the people of Neverwinter finally accepted Neverember as the rightful leader of their city, despite the fact that people from other lands saw him as a tyrant. Even his staunch opposition, the Sons of Alagondar, eventually began to serve under his command at some point before 1491 DR. When followers of Tyr went to Neverwinter to restore the temple of their god, Dagult gave them the Hall of Justice for that purpose and moved into a private villa. This action made him even more worthy of a leader in the eyes of the Neverwintians.[1]   In 1491 DR, Neverember was unjustly accused of the murder of some Lords of Waterdeep, as people believed he wanted to take revenge on them over his exile. When Laeral asked him about this, using a spell to read his mind, she learned that Neverember was innocent.[17] Nevertheless, mistrust of Neverember remained high in Waterdeep, and spies were sent to keep an eye on his activities.[30]   In 1492 DR, Neverember sent his spies, among them the rock gnome Dalakhar, to Waterdeep to retrieve the Stone of Golorr. None of them succeeded.[27]   As of 1496 DR, Neverember held autocratic power over Neverwinter, and his focus had turned to restoring Castle Never to its former glo


Into only Non-humans

Failures & Embarrassments

Ousted as Lord of Waterdeep

Mental Trauma

Wife died in Childbirth as well as the child


Enjoys Non-human companionship

Personality Characteristics


Tot take over all of the Swordcoast and have revenge upon the City of Waterdeep as the grand proprietor of all.

Likes & Dislikes

Hates Non-humans

Vices & Personality flaws

Arrogant thinks hes the smartest person in the room at all times.   Vices
  • Loves non-human companionship


Clean and Flawless


Contacts & Relations

Son-Renae Dagult

Family Ties

Has a benefical relationship with the Country of Mintarn and is slowing building up allies within Luskan primarily Ship Suljack

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Cunning and unforgiving


Likes to move with a High Society type of movement


Alexis Vellguard

Marquee/intelligence gathering/spymaster of sorts (Vital)

Towards Lord Protector of Neverwinter William Dagult



Lord Protector of Neverwinter William Dagult

Puppet (Vital)

Towards Alexis Vellguard



Wealth & Financial state

Character Location
View Character Profile
Evil Lawful-Netural
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Protector of Neverwinter
Current Residence
Dark Gray long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
6' 3"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Eleven, Dwarf, Common, Infernal

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