
Agony is a highly illegal substance which is most often used as a torture chemical. It is a viscous liquid that can only be safely crafted by the most talented of alchemists.  


Agony is most often administered as a form of torture, and is praised in this sense for its ability to rapidly procure information with high rates of success. The drug is administered through injection into the bloodstream and causes three primary effects: first, the victim goes blind and deaf; second, carbon dioxide is released into the bloodstream; and third, powerful pain circulates the full landscape of the body. This combination of high blood carbon dioxide and an inability to perceive the threat subverts the amygdala, triggering a primal fear system that even the most hardened war captives cannot suppress. This intense bout of fear and pain is typically short lived, lasting no longer than 45 seconds per dose. However, the pain is often so maddening that the victim will say anything necessary to avoid a redose. Agony is not lethal unless more than one dose is taken at a time, making it possible to continue the torture for as long as necessary.   Victims of agony report powerful feelings of euphoria after the pain has subsided. Some describe the relief from this pain as more pleasurable than any other imaginable experience, and this euphoria may last an hour or more. In some circles, agony may be used as an exotic pleasure drug.    


  • Narcissa Crow discovered that ingesting a dose of Clever can enhance the sexual experience provided by agony. Taking clever in conjunction with agony helps suppresses the agony's pain and enhances the initial burst of euphoria afterward. However, agony still causes intense fear if used with clever.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Base Price
500 gold per dose