
Balduran was a human born in 754 EW near the location now known as Baldur's Gate. At the time, the land was mostly unexplored, and Balduran's parents were among the first to settle the area.   According to legend, Balduran accidentally found an active, stable portal to Wazanta while exploring a cave system when he was a young boy. Balduran passed through the portal frequently and befriended a small group of earth elementals, who made a habit of gifting precious gemstones to the boy on his visits. However, at the time Balduran was unaware of the immense value of the gemstones and collected them in his secret cave as tokens of friendship.   It was not until he was a teenager that Balduran realized the incredible amount of wealth he had collected over the years. With his family slaughtered in an invasion from tribes in The Wild South, the teenager resolved to create a protected settlement along the coast in which settlers could remain safe from attack. The settlement expanded as defensive structures were added, and only twenty years after the settlement was founded, Baldur's Gate became one of the largest cities in the Civilized West.   Balduran died of natural causes at the age of 72. He never revealed the location of his childhood portal and occasionally claimed that it no longer existed. Balduran is said to have sold the entirety of his gemstone hoard over his lifetime except for a small handful of gems-- an amethyst, sapphire, garnet, sessarite, tourmaline, and emerald. These gemstones were on display at the Grand Faerunian Museum before they were stolen by the party in 130 PU.
Wavy chestnut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation