Baldur's Gate

Baldur's Gate, colloquially called 'The Gate', is a large city on the Sword Coast and is considered as the southeastern edge of the Civilized West. It is known for being more tolerant than the other large cities, both in terms of religious worship and race-based discrimination, and this can be partially attributed to the city's unique government structure and history. Further, Baldur's Gate is home to the Citizen's Rights Council, established to protect citizens of the Civilized West from discrimination and unfair treatment shortly after the events of The Peaceful War.  


According to legend, Baldur's Gate was founded by Balduran approximately 850 years ago, though detailed accounts of its construction were lost to war during that era. It is said that Balduran decided to build the city as protection for those targeted by religious and racial persecution by the inhabitants of the human capital, Waterdeep as well as steadily more aggressive incursion from the tribes of the Wild South.   Although unconfirmed, Balduran is said to have funded the city's construction using a hoard of precious gemstones gifted to him by the inhabitants of Wazanta after he had accidentally discovered an active portal to the plane. According to The Grand Faerunian Museum in Procampur, the location of Balduran's alleged portal remains unknown, and many scholars doubt that it remains active due to the ephemeral nature and increasing scarcity of interplanar portals.  


Since the city's founding, Baldur's Gate has upheld the tradition of a Peoples' government. The city is ruled by six elected officials, serving life-long terms in what is deemed Baldur's Council. Officials are elected based on merit and influence with the hopes that they will be able to keep Baldur's Gate in a position of power in terms of world relations. Officially, the council is advised by the Citizen's Rights Council.   Current members of Baldur's Council include:
  1. Lyle Silvershield
  2. Venda Briarwind
  3. Raythal Rainset
  4. Silith Palesun
  5. Diama Snowsword
  6. Illitha Lifeblood
Although The Gate's government system was meant to encourage diversity, the entire council is currently comprised of vampires. Of those currently serving, Lyle Silvershield is eldest to the council and has been criticized in the past for using his initial governmental influence to position his friends alongside himself on the council. However, members of the council, including Lyle, are generally well-loved by the populace and celebrated for their dedication to the people's interests.   Under rule of the current council, The Gate's city watch has become markedly more tolerant of harmless criminal activity, including use of drugs, minor brawls, and even worship of The Exiled Five.  


Baldur's Gate is well-known for its festivities, and is sometimes referred to as the 'Party City'. The members of Baldur's Council are known to host elaborate parties each month on the full moon before their civic discussions, even catering to werewolf patrons by offering use of their Moon Chamber. In particular, Baldur's Gate is celebrated for its summer solstice festival, during which time the annual Arena of Teeth tournament occurs.  

Summer Solstice Festival

The solstice festival in Baldur's Gate is world-renowned, and travelers come from far and wide to attend. The city is transformed during the fest, with decorations of false flames and intricately twisted branches on nearly every building. The market is cleared of regular stalls and replaced with festival merchants, some of which bring artifacts from around the world or capitalize on souvenirs. The bay port is also cleared of merchant ships and pleasure barges for use during the Arena of Teeth tournament.   The celebration is themed as a tribute to the god Bahamut, who presides over fair war. In addition to the arena games, festival-goers are encouraged to compete in various ways. This includes good-natured brawls, races, debates, and street games. Traditionally, strangers are invited to 'cobble parties' in the streets and taverns, where people compete to tell wild stories while others guess what is true or not.   Bahamut is honored at the end of the day by a spectacular, animated fireworks show presented by Magitech Institute. The fireworks show traditionally signals the opening of the Solstice Ball-- a grand, ostentatious party hosted at Silvershield Estate. The party is by invitation only and is generally attended to by many of the world's elites. The party is comprised of a hedonistic wonderland of normally illegal or taboo activities, such as the use of rare drugs and free discussion of the banned religions. These activities are protected by a pseudo-legal agreement with the city watch called the Watch Pact, which allows the city watch to look the other way during the ball in exchange for opportunity to join the revelry.
Alternative Name(s)
The Gate
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
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