Candlekeep Library

Candlekeep Library (or The Great Library), despite its name, is more than a library. It serves almost as a small settlement, as those who work and study in the library are housed within the library's surrounding walls. However, Candlekeep lacks many of the staples of a true settlement such as shops and taverns, and usually supplies from the nearby town of Beregost. The Great Library operates as a home and church for members of Oghma's Order.    


Candlekeep is an impressive sight, towering atop a small, cliffside island rising approximately 200 feet from the Sea of Swords. The island is accessible only by The Walk of Silence, a stone path stretching from the nearby peninsula edge and bridging across three tiny islands before reaching the library's gates. Traditionally, this path is to be walked in silence as a sign of respect for the knowledge stored beyond the walls. A reinforced stone wall stretches thirty feet high and encircles the entirety of the library and is adjoining buildings; from this wall, a dome of protective magic caps the library, making it one of the most well-protected landmarks in Faerun.   The interior of the walls primarily hosts the grand building of the library, although smaller buildings are scattered around it. These buildings mostly serve as housing for members of Oghma's Order, with the most opulent buildings reserved for the order's highest ranking members. The order's Master Lorekeeper resides in a tower attached to the library itself.    


Gaining entrance to Candlekeep's library is considerably difficult. In general, only member of Oghma's Order are allowed within its walls, though guests may visit if they have aided the order in a significant way. The library also allows two weeks access in exchange for a donation minimum of 10,000 gold pieces, though access to donors is generally limited to the lower tiers of the library. Guests who gain access in exchange for assistance to the order may be rewarded with variable time and accessibility in the library, but are generally restricted from the highest tiers of the library.   The library is operated by initiates of Oghma's order. In general, this duty is carried out by the lower ranking members of the order, the Avowed and the Learned.    


The library is separated into four tiers, each comprised of several floors of the building.   The Lower Tier houses books that are generally common in nature and may be found in other parts of the world. However, the lower tier remains an attraction to many scholars as it is the only place in the world where one can access all common books at once.   The Middle Tier hosts a massive collection of rare books, some of which may not be found elsewhere. Books and other writings in this tier and above have been magically marked and may not pass outside the library's protective gate.   The Upper Tier is home to one-of-a kind publications, ancient texts, and magical secrets. Access to the upper tier is generally reserved for high-ranking members of the order, and access to outsiders is not often allowed.   The Lorekeeper's Tier does not exist in the same manner as the rest of the library, as it is located within a large pocket dimension accessible only through a high-security portal positioned high in the library's spire. Only those members of the order which hold the rank of Loremaster may pass through this portal, which has been tuned to the biology of those initiated into the rank. The tier shelters the worlds' greatest secrets and lost histories deemed too heavy and dangerous a burden for sentients untrained in the order's way.
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