
Master Lorekeeper Raedon Amberspark


  Once the feline companion of Grand Wizard Cael Amberspark, Raedon has gained human-level sentience-- though by what means he cannot recall. Cael was a reclusive mage and, as is common for those vested so deeply in their studies, a lonely man. He adopted Raedon as a kitten and treated him with nothing but love and respect, feeding him the best selections of meats available and allowing him freedom of the estate. As a cure for his own loneliness, Cael would often read to his feline companion, who would sit perched in his lap and seemingly read along. They would sit this way every night, reading everything from travelogues to fantasy, but mostly Cael's own musings and writings on magic.   Over these few years, Cael began to construct the foundations of a new school of magic, one which combined the illusory arts with conjuration. "Illuration Magic" produced real, palpable objects as is standard in conjuration, but with the ease of visual manipulation and lack of concentration that had traditionally been reserved for illusions. These constructs can last until they are physically destroyed, making them unbelievably powerful. Naturally, after gaining confidence in summoning several rather mundane objects, Cael could not tear his ambition away from trying the new magic on a sentient creature. He turned to his finest friend: Raedon. The magic did not seem to work-- at least, the cat did not turn take on a conjured human form, as was the plan. However, the wizard failed to realize that instead of conjuring a human form for his cat like he intended, he gave the cat the ability to do so himself. It wasn't until weeks later, when Cael had accidentally left Raedon's food in an inaccessible cupboard by feline standards, that the cat's ability came to be known.   Several weeks after this occurrence, Raedon's beloved master mysteriously disappeared. The feline took no notice at first, figuring the wizard had just shut himself in his study for awhile; after all, he was meant to publish a complete study of Illuration soon. He contented himself with reading in the library and hunting mice and birds in the garden. After three months Cael had not returned, and Raedon had exhausted his supply of books. Disappointed, he accepted that Cael was not coming back, and for the first time ever, jumped the garden fence.   Over the proceeding year and a half, Raedon spent his days wandering, sticking to towns where his human form could sometimes grant him pleasures that no cat had experienced before (though he, of course, preferred his natural form). He spent time investigating libraries, people watching and reading whatever seemed interesting at the moment. He spent much of his time as the lucky token of the merchant ship The White Princess, where he was well-fed and cared for in exchange for his presence. Eventually, however, Raedon's thoughts returned to Cael and he became determined to find his old master-- or at least, to find his fate.   Raedon traveled to Candlekeep Library, where Cael had spent much of his time, only to find that his old friend had vanished months ago. Following a trail of clues, Raedon ventured to Chult, learning illusion and conjuration magics along the way. There, the cat eventually found Cael, only to witness his last breath. Amberspark had been captured by a syndicate for his knowledge of Illuration, and killed for not complying with their demands.   For finding the Lorekeeper and recovering his secret to this new magic, Raedon was inducted into Oghma's Order. At six years old, he was the youngest and perhaps most impressive inductee to ever ascend the Order's ranks and now serves as Master Lorekeeper.    

Contribution to Oghma's Order

Raedon has led Oghma's Order from Candlekeep Library for the last six year, although his leadership has been non-traditional in many ways. He manages his duties to the order when necessary but oftentimes remains secluded in his study or the upper tiers of the library, focused intently on his mastery of the new magic, illuration. Unlike previous Masters, Raedon is not above hiring outside help for the collection of materials and information, offering entrance to the lower tiers of the library in exchange for work more often than those before him.   Raedon's primary contribution to the library has been his continued mastery of the illuration magic, although he seems unwilling to use it. He was able to conjure perfect, permanent items from an early time, and has since tackled what Cael was not able to manage-- creating permanent, living beings. Raedon has been able to correct the flaws in Cael's method that led to his own accidental awakening and transformation, and has developed it into a means of creating living tissue for use as replacement limbs or permanent bodily changes, such as changing the sex organs on a sentient.    


In year 121 PU, Raedon adopted a personal apprentice, Tandy Jenwell, who was an incredibly bright professor of conjuration at Eltrochul Academy who specialized in the creation of prosthetics. Tandy assisted Raedon in the development of illuration magic specifically for use as a means of creating biological prosthetics. However, Tandy was let go from his apprenticeship when he was expunged from Oghma's Order for withholding crucial information about an investigation relating to illuration in Nearforest presented by a band of hired adventurers 129 PU.   Months after he had released Tandy from service, Raedon grew suspicious that Tandy was using his knowledge of the secret magic without permission by creating and selling capsules of the extraordinarily rare drug Clever. For discretion, he hired the previous adventurers, Eieb Dreago, Narcissa Crow, Rickemash, Anteries Solander, and Yuan-ton, to seek out the source of this clever and confirm whether Jenwell was to blame. He offered two weeks of access to the lower and upper tiers of the library for the return of Tandy, should he be the culprit.   Raedon monitored the progress of his hired help through brief check ins. After several months of missing or suspiciously worded reports, he sent a new ally only calling himself The Keeper of Astral Secrets to monitor find the group and assist them if needed. The adventurers were successful in returning Jenwell to Raedon in Marponeth 130 PU after failing to prevent him from initiating the Marsember Bombing. However, the group was still rewarded as promised.
Current Location
Lavender blue
13 lbs.