
Nearforest is a small settlement centric in the surrounding woods of the same name. The village is comparatively small and, being tucked against a sheer mountain range far from other settlements, does not often host visitors. Citizens of Nearforest lead simple, self-sustaining lifestyles. Musubi is generally revered by the people of Nearforest as a provider of the sustenance they acquire from the forest.   Nearforest has recently gained a small amount of fame, as a raptorial bird known as the Casino Hawk, thought to have been extinct for two decades, had been spotted near the village for a short time in the summer of 130 PU. However, the sightings spanned only two weeks before ceasing entirely, leading many to believe the sightings to have been falsified. This theory is also evidenced by the fact that Casino Hawks are a tropical species and should not usually persist in the deciduous wood around Nearforest.    


  • While investigating the Casino Hawk sightings, the party found that the Casino Hawks were illusions crafted by Reno and used to protect drop sites for the distribution of Clever.
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