
Werewolf Overview

Werewolves are thought to be rare creatures, though the hidden nature of their societies means more may exist than strictly known. Werewolves are created through the passing of Selune's Blessing-- though it is often called a curse outside of werewolves themselves. The mechanism of Selune's Blessing remains largely unclear, as the goddess covets her secrecy. Selune's Blessing is passed through a toxic magic present in the werewolf's saliva while it is in moonwolf form and may infect a victim if it reaches their bloodstream, usually through a bite. Until recently, only the warm-blooded sentient races have been susceptible to the transfer; however, Yuan-ton, a yuan-ti, successfully integrated the blessing and has been able to pass the magic to at least one dragonborn, Rickemash.   Due to the fear surrounding moonrage and unwanted infection, werewolves generally have two options once they have integrated the blessing: hide their nature from society or join a pack. Werewolf packs tend to occupy the wildest lands of the world, including the Anauroch Desert. Only one population of werewolves is known to exist peacefully in a large city, deemed Baldur's Pack and residing in the tolerant capital of Baldur's Gate.    

Werewolf Traits

Rewritten Biology. The nature of your affliction has rewritten much of your base race’s physiology. Because of this, you retain no additional features attributed to your base race other than your ability score improvement, size and languages.   Ability Score Increase. Your ability score increases will remain the same as that of your base race.   Age. Lycanthropy does not affect age in any way. Your age is determined by your base race.   Alignment. Contrary to popular belief, lycanthropes are capable of any alignment, although it is usually influenced by their base race.   Size. Your size is the same as your base race in all forms, though you do gain visible size when shifted.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Your base speed increases by 5 feet in hybrid and wolf form.   Languages. You know the same languages as your base race would (ex: Human, Tiefling, Halfling, etc.). You do know, however, how to speak with other canines while in wolf or hybrid form.     Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. You only have darkvision in hybrid and wolf form, and is seen in shades of red, not grey.   Shapechanger. As an action, you can change into your wolf form. Your game statistics, other than your AC, remain the same. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying is not transformed. You revert to your original form when you take an action to revert back, or if you are reduced to 0 hit points.   Perks of the Predator. You gain proficiency in the Perception and the Survival skill.   Wicked Resistance. When you take damage and are in your hybrid or wolf form, you can, as a reaction, gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons. Your resistance ends once it reduces damage or at the start of your next turn. You must finish a short or long rest before using this trait again.   Pack Sense. You can sense who is a werewolf, even in human form, on a successful DC 15 perception (sniffing) check. Additionally, once each day, you may pray to Selune asking her to identify whether or not one humanoid you can see is a vampire, dhampir, werewolf, or changeling, though she may refuse to answer.  

Selune's Touch

Selune's Curse. You are forced into hybrid form when it is dark and the entirety of the full moon rises until it has entirely set. You also gain weakness to silvered weapons in all forms.   Selune's Blessing. Twice each month, take an action to pray to Selune and ask to willingly shift into hybrid form. You remain in hybrid form until you take an action to change back, rest, or drop to 0 hit points. When shifted willingly, you do not have target indiscrimination caused by Moonrage. Selune may refuse her blessing if you are not in good standing with the Goddess.    

Hybrid (Moonwolf) Form

When you change into your hybrid form, you are still able to use your weapons and cast spells. If you wear armor or clothing not especially made to accommodate your hybrid form, it falls off, requiring small repairs before it can be worn again. You retain the same amount of health as you would in your normal form. You also gain the following traits:   Natural Armor: While in hybrid form you have a natural armor composed from your thickened skin and fur. In this form you have an AC of 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can still wield a shield and benefit from this ability.   Claws and Fangs: In hybrid form, you grow sharp fangs and claws. These are treated as natural weapons that you have proficiency with. They deal 1d6+DEX slashing or piercing damage on a successful hit.   Keen Senses: In hybrid form, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.   Terrifying Transformation: When you shift into hybrid form, every creature of your choice that is within 60 feet and that can see you transform must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the end of its next turn. The saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. Other werewolves are immune to this trait.   Moonrage: You are enraged while in hybrid form. All attacks roll at advantage, and attacks must be made at random (excluding other werewolves). Once per turn, you may use a reaction to attempt to resist attacking a target. On a successful DC 18 WIS save, you do not attack the random target and choose a new one until the end of the round, though you must attempt to attack a creature if one is in sight unless it is part of your pack, in which case you must seek out a new target. If no other target is in sight, you must attack the original random target. Target indiscrimination does not apply while under Selune's Blessing.    

Wolf Form

When you change into your wolf form you are unable to wield any weapons. If you wear armor or clothing not especially made to accommodate your wolf form, it falls off, requiring small repairs before it can be worn again. You also cannot cast any spells while in this form. You retain the same amount of health as you would in your normal form. You also gain the following traits:   Natural Armor: While in wolf form, you have a natural armor composed from your thickened skin and fur. In this form you have an AC of 13 + your Dexterity modifier.   Fangs: In wolf form, you gain a bite attack. This is treated as a natural weapon that you have proficiency with. It deals 1d6+DEX piercing damage on a successful hit.   Disguised Predator: In your wolf form, you appear just as any other wolf. Others will regard you as a regular wolf unless they succeed on a Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by your Charisma (Deception) check. Opponents who succeed are able to tell there is something off about you, but do not immediately know you are a lycanthrope.   Keen Senses: In wolf form, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.   Pack Tactics: You can use the Help action as a bonus action. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, to a minimum of once. You regain all expended uses after a long rest.