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Sir Isteval

Sir Isteval was a paladin of Lathander and veteran dragon slayer from Cormyr in the 15th century DR.  


  As a paladin, Isteval was imbued with divinely granted powers making him immune to disease and capable of sensing the presence of outsiders close by. Isteval additionally emitted an invisible aura capable of imbuing his allies with courage, as well as partially shielding them from harm.   Despite his injured leg, Sir Isteval was a skilled wielder of the greatsword, and was capable of holding his own against vampires, gargoyles, a behir, and several kinds of baatezu.[   Sir Isteval was also a capable divine spellcaster, mainly focusing on having an arsenal of healing and combat-enhancing spells prepared, in addition to being able to speak with the dead.  


  Isteval's place of birth was the Cormyrian town of Eveningstar. He joined the Purple Dragons while still a teenager, and was noted for his impeccable character. His desire to bring justice and defend his country brought him into conflict with many enemies in various locations. He fought against the vicious orc bands of the Stonelands, dispatched Zhentarim agents along the western frontier, and made a valiant stand in Thunder Gap against Sembian raiders.   Later, he led at least three groups of adventurers on missions in an effort to bring justice and goodness, and spread Cormyr's influence. The first company of adventurers went to the Western Heartlands. The second followed Isteval to battle corruption around the Moonsea.   Around 1471 DR, Isteval led his third and last company, the Company of the Sunlit Sea, into the Vilhon Wilds and the Winterwood. During this time, Isteval and the rest of his company entered the lair of the dracolich, Dretchroyaster, to retrieve the Diamond Staff of Chomylla. Here, Isteval battled a black dragon within the adjacent caverns. Some time later, Isteval wounded his leg in battle against a green dragon. The wound resisted magical healing and he walked with a cane afterwards.   Sir Isteval lived out his retirement in Daggerford until he felt that others needed to follow the shining example that was his homeland, so he gathered individuals with the same ideals and set forth to combat evil and chaos once more.

Related Sessions:

Session 64: The Council of Waterdeep Report
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Class: Paladin
Languages: Common, Unkown
Occupation: Former Adventurer
Home: Daggersford


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