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Taern Hornblade

Taern "Thunderspells" Hornblade was the High Mage of the city of Silverymoon, having succeeded Alustriel when she took the office of High Lady, and member of the Council of the Marches.  


  Taern was tall and gray-bearded, appearing grave and thoughtful most of the time.  


  A powerful Evoker, Taern's nickname, "Thunderspell", was earned during his early Magefair duels where his mastery of potent battle-spells became known. During his tenure among the Spellguard he showed his prowess in defense of Silverymoon by facing off against a dracolich.

Related Sessions:

Session 64: The Council of Waterdeep Report
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Class: Unknown
Languages: Common, Unkown
Occupation: Representiative of the Silverymoon
Home: Silverymoon


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