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Ulder Ravenguard (UL-der-RAY-ven-gard)

Marshal Ulder Ravengard was a lifelong soldier of the Flaming Fist who ascended to the rank of Marshal, and served on the Council of Four of Baldur's Gate in the late 15th century DR.  


  As a commander, Ravengard was a true warrior at heart and always took quick and relentless action in battle.  


  He dedicated much of his focus to stamping out every lingering presence of the Guild in Baldur's Gate.  


  As Blaze, Ulder Ravengard served as the Warden of the Wyrm's Rock fortress.  


  Ulder joined the Flaming Fist at a young age, and steadily ascended through its ranks by merit of his fighting prowess and intelligence.  

Early Years as Grand Duke

  When Abdel Adrian died on Returning Day, in the Year of the Narthex Murders, 1482 DR, Ravengard was immediately promoted to the rank of Marshal of the Flaming Fist. Despite some protest from amongst the Parliament of Peers, he was nonetheless elected as Grand Duke some time before the Year of Dwarvenkind Reborn, 1488 DR. He refused to surrender command of the Flaming Fist after his commencement, becoming the most powerful person in Baldur's Gate.

Related Sessions:

Session 64: The Council of Waterdeep Report
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Class: Unknown
Languages: Common, Unkown
Occupation: Marhsal of the Flaming Fist
Home: Baldur's Gate


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