
Damarans are a human ethnicity typically found northeast and east of the Sea of Fallen Stars, and around the Moonsea. They are notable for their heroism, discipline and self-sacrifice, and their binary views of morality. Damaran society tends to view things in black or white, either good or evil. Many young Damarans either follow in their parents' footsteps, or rebel completely and emigrate entirely.

Damaran society does not take kindly to weakness, but it also does not approve of selfishness or unscrupulousness. The focus on heroism, and the culture's constant struggles throughout its history, have lead to a large number of adventurers among the youth. Young nobles often spend several years exploring the world (and claiming land for their familiy), and these expeditions are often sponsored by the various churches of the Easting Reach.

Religion is very important to Damarans, and many eschew personal gain in favour of dedicating themselves to a specific deity. Despite the importance of religion in Damaran society, there is no one universal faith, and Damarans are judged by their personal code of conduct instead of their faith. Aside from religion, most Damarans spent their lives farming, cutting wood, or mining.

Due to the importance of faith to Damarans, divine magic is very popular, and there are a large number of clerics among Damaran people. However, arcane magic is somewhat shunned in comparison. Damaran wizards tend to focus on the schools of abjuration or divination, while necromancy and conjuration are strongly disapproved of. There are few sorcerous bloodlines among Damaran people, and those that do exist likely trace their ancestry back to ancient Netheril.

Damaran warriors prefer medium armour that combines protection and low weight, and long weapons that can effectively fight large beasts. As such, it is common to see Damaran fighters wearing chain or splint armour, and armed with spears, halberds, and greatswords.

Large dogs are the favoured pets of Damarans, serving a variety of utilitarian roles within the harsh terrain Damarans often live in. They act as herding, hunting, sled, pack, and general working animals. Most dogs bred by Damarans have thick coats to resist cold temperatures.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Alethra, Kara, Katernin, Mara, Natali, Olma, Tana, Zora

Masculine names

Bor, Fodel, Glar, Grigor, Igan, Ivor, Kosef, Mival, Orel, Pavel, Sergor

Family names

Bersk, Chernin, Dotsk, Kulenov, Marsk, Nemetsk, Shemov, Starag
Encompassed species


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