HOMEWARD BOOKS Building / Landmark in FAERUN | World Anvil
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This second-hand bookshop, a converted townhouse, can be found in the North Ward of WATERDEEP. Its owner, ABENA KERLA, is a bookworm and an animal lover. With this in mind, the bookstore doubles as a refuge for the many stray cats that can be found across the city.   FINDING THE BOOKSHOP   The bookshop can be found just off of Manycats Alley, which lies immediately north of the Marketplace of the city.  
The long alley spans the length of two and a half city blocks. Occasionally a stray cat darts from its hiding place to hiss as you pass.   Along the buildings are carved stone heads of cats, griffons, wild boar, wolves and people. There is the faint sound of whispering in the distance.
  Anyone approaching the shop will find 1D6+2 cats lying around in the alleyway. If startled or surprised they may hiss at suspicious visitors.   One of the carved heads whispers as passersby make their way past (see the Cryptic Message board to the right)


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