HOUSE OF HEALING Building / Landmark in FAERUN | World Anvil
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Located along the High Road in THE CITY OF WATERDEEP, the House of Healing is regarded among the folk of the City of Splendour as a local landmark. The guildhall is the headquarters of the Guild of Apothecaries & Physicians in Waterdeep. Sitting on the border between the Castle Ward and North Ward, the House of Healing stands three stories tall and lies just across from the city's busy central market. Its sizeable structure and central location is in keeping with its sizeable reputation and the fact that the wealthiest people of Waterdeep (who make up the bulk of the North Ward population) wish to remain as healthy as possible and to have access to the best medical care.   However its renown is so great across the Sword Coast that diseased people (or those in their service) travel to the city from far further afield specifically to visit the building. This is particularly true when in times of emergency, when fevers, diseases or plagues run rampant in a nearby area. The guildhall can, on these occasions, become overrun with sickly patients whose arrival in the city, of course, is a source of major concern for both local Waterdavians and the authorities in the city who govern them. Whilst it may seem simpler to simply refuse admittance to such invalids, such hardheartedness goes against the more progressive thinking of Waterdeep officials.    In addition to performing guild duties, the building also acts as a school to apprentice physicians (bravery is in order for those patients who might receive their 'services'!) and also as a vendor of many potions and drugs - both common and rare, and for healing and poisoning.    Whilst the guildhall is not designated to the service of any particular deity, many of those who work inside dedicate their prayers to gods such as Ilmater, Tymora or Silvanus amongst others.


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