HOUSE TARM in FAERUN | World Anvil
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House Size: 45   Home Ward: North Ward   Other Holdings: AMPHAIL   Matriarch: Selpha   Ethnicities: Tethyrian   Alignment: Tends towards Chaotic Good   Favored Deitie(s): Mielikki   Associated Faction(s): THE EMERALD ENCLAVE   Interests: Caravans, Shipping, Horse breeding, Horse training.   GP Limit: 27,000 gp   An estate just outside AMPHAIL is dotted with darkwood trees overlooking swaths of lands where horses roam. This idyllic pasture holds some handsome stallions, envy to many horse breeders across the Dessarin valley.   Working with the synergy of building caravans and raising horses, Tarm has struck gold with their expanded delivery services.   Many houses have used House Tarm retainers as messengers.   ADVENTURE HOOKS:   The Shield:    "We've got a disease, inside our house. It's killing us from the inside. Members of the Order of the Shield have infiltrated our house. I've no idea how many of them call themselves Tarm, but they all want the same thing: to make us fail and allow their other properties to succeed. Help us burn this infestation away, so that we can grow once more."   The Very Best:    "There's an exciting race, that has the entire city in a tight grip: which family has the fastest horses. Is it Ilzimmer, Jhansczil, Piiradoa, or us? Well we all know the answer is Tarm but I'd love to sweeten the deal. I want you to convince other nobles to bet against us, to better the pot when we win. If you're not comfortable with this, just forget about it but if you are, you could stand to win a lot from this."


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