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The lifeblood of a city the size of WATERDEEP is its people. The problem with people is they like to talk. A lot. And its truth is questionable.   These are just some of the rumours that are flying about the streets, taverns and houses of the city:
  • "You hear that the Guild of Chandlers and Lamplighters are planning on going on strike? On the next new moon! The thieves and assassins of this city must be raring to go for a night of carnage"
  • One of the great walking statues of Waterdeep has been reported to be crying over the last three days. No one is sure about the cause of this watery discharge from the eyes: "The destruction of the City of Splendours is imminent!" "Rubbish! It's a sign of great fortune on the horizon!" "You're both talking poppycock - it's just the humidity!"
  • "Tystanya Creed hasn't been seen since leaving the Lightsinger the other day!" "Really?" "Oh no! She's dead! She's dead!" "You're more of a drama queen than she is!"
  • A new ale just went on tap here, but no one’s dared to drink it yet. It’s called 'Old Scrimpler's Surprise' but the bartender's not saying when it came in or who sold it to him.
  • "I heard that old merchant vessel 'The Spray Carver' ran aground on Ellem Beach last night. The soldiers that boarded her say a single piece of cargo was open on the deck, but it’s contents was gone. No sign of the crew or a struggle onboard. More bloody trouble and strangeness going on at sea. That’s why you’ll never see me far from the mud and trees.


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