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Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls


Sea of Fallen Stars: After months the 'Great Rain' comes to an end. The waters of the Sea of Fallen Stars have swollen so greatly, that it's shores now resemble something akin to the shoreline from before the Spellplague again. Myth Drannor: The elven city is under siege by the forces of Netheril. Gauntlgrym: The dwarven forces claim victory in Gauntlgrym. Tymanther/ Unther: The untherite god Enlil answers to the dragonborn Dumuzi's plea for help and comes to the aid of Djerad Thymar.

Ches 26th Ches   High Forest/Lost Peaks: Chosen prisoners of Netheril, aided by Harper agents, free themselves from their prison amid the Lost Peaks, where they were being experimented on.   Eleasias   Eleint 5th of Eleint: King Foril Obarskyr dies in his sleep.   Turmish: The Chosen of Lathander Stedd Whitehorn heals the mental deterioration of the Emerald Enclave's elven leader Lady Cindermoon, now Shadowmoon, longtime Chosen of Silvanus. Due to the Great Rain the holy island of Ilighôn is reborn and Turmish's capital Alaghôn becomes a port again.   The Turmish fleet battles an pirate armada under the command of Umberlee's Chosen, the undead pirate Evendure. The pirates are beaten and Evendur is apparently killed by the turmish pirate captain Anton Marivaldi   Sea of Fallen Stars: After months the 'Great Rain' comes to an end. The waters of the Sea of Fallen Stars have swollen so greatly, that it's shores now resemble something akin to the shoreline from before the Spellplague again.   Faerûn: The Earthmotes begin to drop from the sky (Note: In Uktar it is already many tendays ago) The Earthmotes of the city of Airspur strangely resist this effect   Uktar   Cormyr: The shadow fiends of Wheloon escape their prison and march on Marsember. Myth Drannor: The elven city is under siege by the forces of Netheril.   2nd Uktar Cormyr: The city of Marsember is sacked by the Shadovar. Grand Duke Farninger Seasilver wants to flee to Elversult but is slain by Prince Yder Tanthul of Netheril.   Vilhon Wilds/Reach: The river Arrabar is in slow flood as the Sea of Fallen Stars seeps back into the Vilhon Reach, only slowed by a line of earthmotes the goddess Chauntea had dropped across the valley, allowing her faithful time to bring in the harvest.   Underchasm: The god Helm returns to the Realms due to the faith of his Chosen Kleef Kenric. Prince Yder Tanthul is slain in battle against Helm's Chosen Kleef Kenric. Lady Arietta Seasilver, Chosen of Siamorphe and her fellow Chosen convince the primodial Grumbar to remain in the Realms and block Shar's attempt to bring the Shadowfell into the Realms via the Underchasm. Joelle Emmeline, chosen of Sune sacrifices herself to seal the pact with Grumbar. The Underchasm is filled with earth in the process. Lady Seasilver, now Grand Duchess of Marsember and Kleef Kenric return home to Marsember. (*Note: The East Rift is probably not filled up, as the earth does not rise higher then Sadrak's Splinter, which lay on lower ground than the Rift before the Spellplague.)   14th Uktar Cormyr: King Irvil Obarskyr of Cormyr dies   24th Uktar Cormyr: Shadowwalkers from the Hall of Shadows reinforce the Shadowvar army besieging Suzail. Suzails walls are briefly breached by the shades. Although the shadow warriors kill many not one of them is able to open the gates before being slain.   Cormyr: War wizards close the portal within the Forgotten Keep, cutting of Netheril's supplies in the region, breaking the siege of Arabel.   Festival of the Feast of the Moon   Cormyr: At dawn the Army of the Western Marches rides down from Arabel, crushing what remains of Netheril's army at the walls of Suzail. Not a single soldier of the shadovar is spared. The siege of Suzail ends. It is expected that Marsember can now be quickly liberated between two cormyrean armies.   Nightal   5th of Nightal Crown prince Baerovus abdicts the throne in favor of his sister Raedra Obarskyr, who is to be officially crowned in a tenday.   15th Nightal Cormyr: planed crowning of Queen Raedra Obarskyr   Gauntlgrym: The dwarven forces claim victory in Gauntlgrym. King Connerad Brawnanvil of Mithril Hall is posthumously crowned 1st king of Gauntlgrym. King Emerus Warcrown dies while being proclaimed the 2nd king of Gauntlgrym. Shortly after on the day Bruenor Battlehammer is crowned 3rd king of Gauntlgrym.   26th Nightal Tymanther/ Unther: The untherite god Enlil answers to the dragonborn Dumuzi's plea for help and comes to the aid of Djerad Thymar. Gilgeam and Unther return to Toril. Gilgeam decides to reclaim his land from the dragonborn   Imaskar/Mulhorand: The old gods of Mulhorand manifest among their people and lead a rebellion against their Imaskari rulers, who flee to the Plains of Purple Dust or extraplanar safeholds. Unlike other Chosen, the mulhorandi manifestations of the gods remain to rule their people after the Sundering. Note: I assume that the gods of Mulhorand returned about the same time, the pantheon of Unther returned.

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