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History of Toril GM

Days of Thunder

35000 30000

The Age of Thunder began when the majority of the glaciers left by the cooling of Abeir-Toril's ocean during the Shadow Epoch finally revealed a supercontinent that would eventually be called Merrouroboros. Life bloomed on this landmass in the form of the creator races and the ancient apelike ancestors of humans.   This was the time of the fabled creator races, or Iqua-Tel'Quessir in the elven tongue, when many gods came to the consciousness of mortals, and many races still hid in caves. No mention could be found of elves, dwarves, and other races during most of this time. Still, their absence on ancient cave paintings was hardly sufficient evidence to say that they did not exist on Faerûn at this time.   The sarrukh established themselves as the dominant species, creating the first recorded civilizations and spreading out across the rest of the world within the next hundred years. An estimated hundred years after that, they began creating new species.

Dawn Age

30000 24000

The Dawn Age, also known as the Age of Dawn, the Time of Dragons, or the Time of Giants, was a period lasting from -30000 DR to -24000 DR, when the powerful empires of the creator races disappeared from the face of the earth and their land was occupied by giants and dragons far more powerful than those of the Present Age. It was a time of constant war for land in Faerûn, that led to the creation of great kingdoms and empires.   Scholars believe the Dawn Age began circa -30000 DR, when dragons launched devastating attacks against the dominant Aearee Empires throughout the land, air, and underground, creating the first flight of dragons, destroying those nations completely. They also battled against giants over territory, forcing giantkind to yield their lands and flee to the north. Individual dragons and dragon clans came to rule large swaths of territory and battled with their rivals not only for dominion of those lands. but also over matters of religious nature as the dragons of this age were devout followers of the Draconic pantheon. Those wars, known as the Draco Holy Wars, led the race to near extinction.   During that time, the "lesser" races (those of primitive humans and other demihumans) were enslaved by the dragon lords. Although some believe the metallic dragons were less brutal masters than the chromatics, a few metallics believe this was not the case.   The Dawn Age came to an end after the first Rage of Dragons had devastated the dragons' civilizations, and elves began to built their first empires in Faerûn, starting the age known as the First Flowering.

First Flowering

24000 12000

The First Flowering was a period in Faerûn's history between −24,000 DR and −12,000 DR. At the start of this period, the elves had split into five major realms: Aryvandaar, Illefarn, Keltormir, Miyeritar and Shantel Othreier, as well as several smaller ones such as Eiellûr, Ilythiir, Orishaar, Syòrpiir and Thearnytaar. During the First Flowering, the last of the winged elven race Avariel are believed to have left Faerûn.

Crown Wars

12000 9000

The Crown Wars were a series of elven wars fought early in the history of Faerûn. Over a period of 3,000 years, the great elven kingdoms participated in five primary conflicts, leading to the near destruction of the elven race.

The Founding Time

9000 3000

The Founding Time or Age of the Proud Peoples was the period just after the end of the Crown Wars, when the elves and the dwarves dominated Faerûn. During this time, the humanoid races began their expansionist efforts. Elves, dwarves, and the first human tribes founded several realms such as Evereska, High Shanatar, and Imaskar. Several major conflicts occurred during this time, including the Spider Wars and the Era of Skyfire.   It is generally perceived to have lasted about six thousand years from -9000 DR to -3000 DR. It was followed by the Age of Humanity.

Age of Humanity

3000 1358

This period began with the decline of the elven and dwarven empires and the flourishing and expansion of the human empires. These new, expanding empires included Calimshan, Imaskar, Jhaamdath, Mezro, Mulhorand, Netheril, Narfell, Raumathar, and Unther.   Of these human empires, that of Netheril represented the genesis of this epoch. Thanks to the discovery of the nether scrolls, they were launched into history. Around −3000 DR, the Archmage Ioulaum raised the first enclave of Netheril, Xinlenal, through his newly fashioned mythallar. However, all of these human empires left their indelible mark on the Realms, and the influence of their actions was felt for centuries afterward, as three of these nations - Calimshan, Mulhorand, and Unther - survived past this era, albeit in forms much different than seen in this epoch.

  • 2436

    Nether scrolls returned to the ancient ruins of the Iqua-Tel'Quessir
  • 1343

    Battle of Turnstone Pass

    Battle of Turnstone Pass was a battle that occurred when the Nethertide Horde of the Nether Mountains threatened both Everlund and Silverymoon in Year of the Boot, 1343 DR.

  • 1351

    Battle of Bryn Shander
  • 1358


    Era of Upheaval
  • 1358

    Time of Troubles

    The Time of Troubles, also known as the Arrival, the Godswar, and the Avatar Crisis, was a cataclysmic time period in the chronology of Faerûn. Taking place during 1358 DR, the Year of Shadows, the Time of Troubles was a period during which the deities of Faerûn were forced to walk the earth in their mortal avatar forms. Several major deities died during the Time of Troubles (see Deaths, Ascensions, and Resurrections) and a handful of mortals rose to divinity.

Present Age

1000 and beyond

The Present Age was considered one of the most tumultuous ages in the history of Toril. It was a time of constant struggle but also a time of discovery and exploration.   During the first years of the Present Age, Faerûn reestablished trade with Kara-Tur and Zakhara, and the Great Glacier began to retreat, uncovering the realms of Vaasa and Damara. Later, the continent of Maztica was discovered by Amnians. In 1358 DR started the most cataclysmic historical period of Faerûn with the calamitous events of the Time of Troubles and the start of the period known as the Era of Upheaval.   In a period of less that one hundred fifty years, the world of Toril was nearly destroyed, shaken to its core. The political landscape reflected the cosmic state of Realmspace, and while its "reunion" with its long lost twin world, Abeir, was brief, its mark on Toril was significant and enduring leaving at least three new regions after it departed: Akanûl, Tymanther and Laerakond.   The Present Age encompassed in the following time periods:

  • The Present Age took place during the last three hundred and fifty eight years of the time period known as the Age of Humanity.
  • The Era of Upheaval, that started in 1358 DR, and lasted until 1488 DR.
  • The current age, that started in 1489 DR.
    • 1343

      Battle of Turnstone Pass

      Battle of Turnstone Pass was a battle that occurred when the Nethertide Horde of the Nether Mountains threatened both Everlund and Silverymoon in Year of the Boot, 1343 DR.

    • 1351

      Battle of Bryn Shander
    • 1358

      Time of Troubles

      The Time of Troubles, also known as the Arrival, the Godswar, and the Avatar Crisis, was a cataclysmic time period in the chronology of Faerûn. Taking place during 1358 DR, the Year of Shadows, the Time of Troubles was a period during which the deities of Faerûn were forced to walk the earth in their mortal avatar forms. Several major deities died during the Time of Troubles (see Deaths, Ascensions, and Resurrections) and a handful of mortals rose to divinity.

    • 1358


      Era of Upheaval
    • 1364


      Reclamation Wars

      The Reclamation Wars, also known as the Tethyrian Civil War, was a series of conflicts that centered around Zaranda Star, the Countess of Morninggold, and her efforts to unite the kingdom of Tethyr during the last years of the Tethyrian Interregnum of the mid-14th century DR.

    • 1370


      The Goblin War

      The Goblin War occurred from 1370 DR to 1371 DR. The war started when Nalavarauthatoryl, (an elf-dragon) massed an army of Orcs, Grodd goblins, the seven Ghazneths and other monsters to attack the country of Cormyr. Interestingly, although the war is refered to as the Goblin Wars, goblins only made up a fraction of the army, most of the fighting being done by the Orcs.

    • 1372


      Siege of Menzoberranzan

      The Siege of Menzoberranzan was a siege of the drow city of Menzoberranzan by the combined forces of Horgar Steelshadow of Gracklstugh and Kaanyr Vhok's Scoured Legion with the secret backing of the Jaezred Chaulssin.

    • 1375


      War of the Zulkirs

      The War of the Zulkirs took place in 1375–1385 DR, between the self-proclaimed regent of Thay, the lich Szass Tam, and the combined forces of the other zulkirs Lallara Mediocros, Nevron, Yaphyll, Lauzoril, Kumed Hahpret, Mythrellan and Samas Kul under the guidance of Dmitra Flass.   The war took place at various locations in Thay.

    • 1385



      The Spellplague, called the Blue Breath of Change by the inhabitants of Abeir, was a disaster that struck Realmspace and even the planes themselves on Tarsakh 29 of the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 DR, and was caused by Mystra's assassination at the hands of Cyric and Shar. It continued for a decade, leading to the Wailing Years, during which arcane magic ceased to function and the planet of Toril was transformed.   The diviner Yaphyll had a vision of the event:   "The white queen is troubled but can't say why. The black queen hates the white and gives the assassin a black coat. The assassin steals upon the white queen. She can't see him gliding through the shadows. The sword screams. The white queen falls. Her city falls. Stones fall in the cavern to crush the soothsayer. The tree burns and thrashes in agony. Branches break. Branches twist and grow together..." ” — from a vision by the diviner Yaphyll   In her vision, Yaphyll referred to Mystra as the white queen and to Shar, goddess of the night, as the black queen. Cyric, god of murder, was the assassin, Savras, the god of divination, was the soothsayer, and the city, cavern and tree symbolized the ordered structures of magic crumbling into chaos.

    • 1450


      Vasen Cale, son of Erevis Cale is born.

      Vasen Cale, son of Erevis Cale is born. His mother Varra dies during childbirth.

    • 1451


      Shadovar–Thay War

      The Shadovar–Thay War was the conflict that resulted during the New Neverwinter movement. Ironically, while the two main participants were Netheril and Thay, the war was actually an all out war between several factions for dominion over Neverwinter. As a result, while all the conflict in the war was undoubtedly centered around the Netherese and Thayans, there were in fact, several factions all at war with each other.

    • 1452

      Waterdeep: first Noble Houses sell their titles.

      Waterdeep: first Noble Houses sell their titles.

    • 1463

      Year of the Reborn Hero

      The Companions of the Hall are reborn.

    • 1464

      Year of the Six-armed Elf

      Samark Dhanzscul becomes Blackstaff, taking over from his mentor Ashemmon of Rymanthiin

    • 1478

      Year of the Dark Circle
    • 1479

      Siege of Neverwinter

      The Siege of Neverwinter was a conflict between the forces of Neverwinter and the Thayan forces under Valindra Shadowmantle that took place in the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR.

    • 1479

      Year of the Ageless One
    • 1480

      Year of the Deep Water Drifting
    • 1481

      Lost Mines of Phandelver
    • 1481

      Year of the Grinning Halfling
    • 1482


      Second Sundering

      The Second Sundering, also known as the Sundering of Toril and Abeir, was a great catastrophic event in the history of the worlds of Abeir and Toril, that took place during the decade of the 1480s DR.   When Ao the Overgod destroyed the Tablets of Fate at the conclusion of the Time of Troubles, he instigated the Era of Upheaval. The Tablets defined the laws of Realmspace and kept it relatively stable. Without them, chaos ensued and the worlds of Abeir and Toril, separated many thousands of years ago, slowly started to overlap. The Spellplague drastically sped up this process.   The Second Sundering started with Ao's decision to recreate the Tablets of Fate, and to separate the worlds of Abeir and Toril once more. The deities were unsure of what this would do to them and their power, and made efforts using their most powerful servants to prepare for that event.   The Second Sundering was somehow connected to the First Sundering that took place around -17600 DR, when an elven High Magic ritual went both forward and backward in time to create Evermeet; and with a prehistoric cataclysm known as the Tearfall, that took place in -31000 DR.

    • 1482

      Murder in Baldur's Gate - Bhaal returns signaling the start of the Sundering.
    • 1484

      The Sundering then takes place.

      Natural disasters begin to happen all over Faerun as Abeir and Toril begin to split apart. The Returning Gods pick "Chosen" mortals and gift them with divine powers.

    • 1484

      Year of the Awakened Sleepers

      The Sembian armies of Netheril march against the Dalelands. Archingdale is attacked and conquered. Various other conflicts start and end.

    • 1484


      War of the Silver Marches (Vengence of the Iron Dwarf)

      The War of the Silver Marches was a conflict against orcs that took place in the Silver Marches in the Year of the Iron Dwarf's Vengeance.

    • 1485

      Year of the Iron Dwarf's Vengeance

      The Great Rain falls over the Sea of Fallen Stars, which begins to swell to its original pre-spellplague size. Heroes from Luruar stop Lolth from creating the Demonweave

    • 1486

      Yawning Portal* (Dead in Thay)
    • 1486

      Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls

      Sea of Fallen Stars: After months the 'Great Rain' comes to an end. The waters of the Sea of Fallen Stars have swollen so greatly, that it's shores now resemble something akin to the shoreline from before the Spellplague again. Myth Drannor: The elven city is under siege by the forces of Netheril. Gauntlgrym: The dwarven forces claim victory in Gauntlgrym. Tymanther/ Unther: The untherite god Enlil answers to the dragonborn Dumuzi's plea for help and comes to the aid of Djerad Thymar.

    • 1487

      Year of the Rune Lords Triumphant

      Out of the Abyss - Adventurers defeat demons in the Underdark and drive Demogorgon into Menzoberrazan.   Ashs of the Tyrant - The Dragonborn of Tymanther refuse to go back to Abeir as Gilgeam arrives to reclaim Unther. Enlil sides with the Dragonborn. Asmodeus releases Azuth in exchange for the Divine Essence of Nanna-Sin.   Spring and Summer Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions abound (as Abeir begins to separate from Toril) Stars fell reportedly from the sky, gods long thought dead walk the land and armies lead by Chosen clash everywhere

    • 1488

      Year of Dwarvenkind Reborn

      Throughout much of Faerun, the winter of 1487 and 1488 lasted longer than any on record. The solstices and equinoxes had somehow drifted. Later seasons followed suit, with each starting and ending later than expected.   Late Tarsakh (Spellstorm Begins)

    • 1489

      Year of the Warrior Princess

      Lord Ao decrees the end of the Era of Upheaval. The gods begin to talk to their followers again, but their influence is subtler than before. New priesthoods arose to interpret the new behaviour of the gods.   The Harpers form a pact with the fey of Kryptgarden forest serving King Witchthorn, an Unseelie lord. A variety of new priesthoods spring up across the Realms to discern the will of the gods in the wake of the Second Sundering.   Waterdeep: Laeral Silverhand replaces Dagult Neverember as Open Lord of Waterdeep. Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Rise of Tiamat, DDAL Season 1 - Cult of the Dragon attempts to summon Tiamat.

    • 1490

      Year of the Star Walker's Return

      Laeral Silverhand gatheres enough support to restore noble titles and property.

    • 1491

      Year of the Scarlet Witch

      Princes of the Apocalypse, Curse of Strahd

    • 1492

      Year of Three Ships Sailing

      Storm King's Thunder, Tomb of Annihilation, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage