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Year of the Rune Lords Triumphant


Out of the Abyss - Adventurers defeat demons in the Underdark and drive Demogorgon into Menzoberrazan.   Ashs of the Tyrant - The Dragonborn of Tymanther refuse to go back to Abeir as Gilgeam arrives to reclaim Unther. Enlil sides with the Dragonborn. Asmodeus releases Azuth in exchange for the Divine Essence of Nanna-Sin.   Spring and Summer Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions abound (as Abeir begins to separate from Toril) Stars fell reportedly from the sky, gods long thought dead walk the land and armies lead by Chosen clash everywhere

Out of the Abyss, DDAL Season 3 - The Underdark is a subterranean wonderland, a vast and twisted labyrinth where fear reigns. It is the home of horrific monsters that have never seen the light of day. It is here that the dark elf Gromph Baenre, Archmage of Menzoberranzan, casts a foul spell meant to ignite a magical energy that suffuses the Underdark and tears open portals to the demonic Abyss. What steps through surprises even him, and from that moment on, the insanity that pervades the Underdark escalates and threatens to shake the Forgotten Realms to its foundations. Stop the madness before it consumes you! Adventurers defeat demons in the Underdark and drive Demogorgon into Menzoberrazan.   Ashs of the Tyrant - The Dragonborn of Tymanther refuse to go back to Abeir as Gilgeam arrives to reclaim Unther. Enlil sides with the Dragonborn. Asmodeus releases Azuth in exchange for the Divine Essence of Nanna-Sin.   Early Spring: Maestro - Yvonnel II channels the Ilithid hivemind into Drizzt Do'Urden creating a superweapon that defeats Demogorgon as it emerges into Menzoberranzan.   Spring and Summer Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions abound (as Abeir begins to separate from Toril) Stars fell reportedly from the sky, gods long thought dead walk the land and armies lead by Chosen clash everywhere   The Island Kingdoms: ships claiming to be from Evermeet, Lantan and Nimbral sail into ports along the Sword Coast and the Shining South   Chessenta: The capitol Luthcheq loses control over the realm and Chessenta becomes a collection of city-states bound by common culture and mutual defense.   The Shining South: Halruaa returns from Abeir to Toril   Luskan: The Arcane Brotherhood is revived in Luskan   Elesias   Icewind Dale: The People of Icewind Dale are threatened by the machinations of the Arcane Brotherhood, the wight of Akar Kessel and Hedrune the Ice Witch, Chosen of Auril.   Eleint 15th Eleint Icewind Dale: The dwarven community of Icewind Dale lead by Dain Stokely Silverstream is threatened to be torn apart due to the corrupting influence of the black ice, a legacy of the crystal shard.   25th Eleint The Legacy of the Crystal Shard Adventure begins.   28th Eleint Icewind Dale: Caer-Konig is raided by the pirate crew of the 'Howling Fiend' Highharvesttide: Icewind Dale: Stokely Silverstream and the dwarves loyal to him flee the dwarven valley.   1st Marpenoth Icewind Dale: Dwarven zombies emerge from the mines below Kelvin's Cairn. Ship Rethnor from Luskan establishes a protection racket in Caer-Konig and Caer-Dineval.   3rd Marpenoth Icewind Dale: The Pirates of the Howling Fiend attack Easthavn.   10th Marpenoth Icewind Dale: Dain Stokley Silverstream and King Jarund Elkhardt declare war on Hedrune the Ice Witch.   Early Marpenoth 'The Herald' Begins The groundshackings begin to ebb down. Nights grow longer. The shores of Cormyr are still flooded because of the Great Rain   Telamont Tanthul becomes Chosen of Shar. Chosen of other gods are to be destroyed by Netheril. Telamont is finally feeling his age, contemplates of becoming a shadow-lich. Hadrhune is dead. Telamont forbade the use of resurrection and mind-magic as dead shades and other dead spellcasters spirits trapped in the Weave are trying to take over spell-users they were close to in life.   9th Marpenoth Elminster enters Candlekeep to secretly look for writings of Khelben Arunsun on the Weave. Netheres agents start slaying the baelnorn of Myth Drannor and draining the ancient elven magics.   12th Marpenoth Cormyr: Rumors that Myth Drannor and the Dales have fallen reach Suzail, but not everyone believes in them. Shade Enclave: The city of Shade itself is moved against Myth Drannor.   The Battle for Candelkeep Netherese sleeper-agents among the monks of Candlekeep are activated and attack the other monks, only to discover that among these are agents of the Moonstars and Red Wizards. Laeral and Alustriel of the Seven Sisters are revealed to be among those monks. Elminster tricks the Netherese by posing as High Prince Tanthul. Elminster is convinced by Larloch to help him use the energies of Candlekeeps wards to strengthen the Weave.   The wards of Candlekeep are destroyed, but their energies absorbed by Larloch. Larloch leaves for Myth Drannor with the betrayed Elminster, Laeral and Alustriel in pursuit. After the fight Dove Falconhand appears to collect the surving Moonstar agents of Candlekeep and leads them into battle in Myth Drannor.   13th Marpenoth The Second Fall of Myth Drannor Larloch attacks the baelnorns and magics of Myth Drannor. High Prince Tanthul and his arcanist begin the ward-drain ritual devised by Prince Drathan Tanthul to drain the Mythal of Myth Drannor. Terrible monsters appear within the lines of the netherese mercenaries. Prince Vattick Tanthul of Netheril is killed by Dove Falconhand Dove Falconhand succumbs to her injuries after she called the baelnorns of Myth Drannors' tombs to defend the city. The Srinshee appears to defend Myth Drannor. Prince Mattick Thantul, witnessing the power of the Srinshee, flees the fight of Myth Drannor As the baelnorn of Myth Drannor fight the mercenary army, the dead of Myth Drannor begin to sing. Larloch shatters the minds of many of shade's finest arcanists, among them Prince Aglarel. The Shrinshee orders the baelnorn to protect the 'Tree of Souls'. They form a magical shield around the tree, that even shields the tree from the later impact of the Shade Enclave. The Srinshee sacrifices herself to wrest the magical energies from Larloch and High Prince Tanthul and strengthens the Weave with the power of the city's mythal and the wards of Candlekeep. Shade Enclave crashes onto Myth Drannor. Elminster ensures the death of High Prince Telamont Tanthul as the Shade Enclave crashes onto Myth Drannor. Elminster himself is saved by Mystra, who gained full control over the Weave again, stopping Shar from turning it into a new Shadowweave. The last remaining defenders of the City of Song, among them Coronal Ilsevele Miritar and her consort Flar Starbrow, were rescued by the Srinshee and transported to Semberholme. The living elves temporarily abandon Myth Drannor. Only few Shadovar survive the fall of their city, among them the sisters Manarlume and Lelavdra Tanthul and the arcanist Gwelt who later form a secret society, collecting surviving Thulthantans within the 'Court of the Three', which is located within the least damaged ruins of the former Citadel of the Raven. They also plan to retake surving netherese cities. Tabra, a female archmage and last apprentice of the netherese arcanist Ioulaum, who had been captured, tortured and disfigured by Telamont Tantul, is freed from stasis by the death of the High Prince. In revenge she sets out to destroy surviving Shadovar arcanists.   14th Marpenoth Vangerdhast is returned to human form by Mystra Abeir and Toril are apart again. The Sundering has ended.   30th Marpenoth Waterdeep: the half-drow sorceress Lirdolin Lacûva of Dambrath begins to set up a timeline of the finale years of the Spellplague and the Time of the Sundering. (Non-Offical)

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