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Year of the Ageless One


Raven's Bluff: While trying to repair the darkelven wild mythal below Ravens Bluff, the drow accidently free Jack Ravenwild and Myrkyssa Jelan, the Warlord of the Vast from stasis within the mythals heartstone. The noble Cailek Balathorp turns out to be the slaver 'Fetterfist', who's in league with the drow of Tower Chumavhraele below the city. Balathrop and his ally Marquise Dresimil Chumavh are defeated by Jack Ravenwild and his allies.   Mirtul The Red Dragon Tchazzar returns to Chessenta   20th Mirtul   Chessenta: Shala Karanok offers her office as war-hero to Tchazzar. The red dragon crowns himself war-hero of Chessenta, proclaims his own divinity to his people, ordering to built him a grand temple. He also lifts the laws against wizards.   Arkanûl: Airspur discovers the motherload of arambarium within their mine on Ithimir (SoL, audio) (Note: A few months before Marpenoth)   5th Kythorn   Chessenta: Tchazzar's forces are victorious at Soolabax   Kythorn   Cormyr: Manshoon plans to conquer Cormyr via a conspiracy of unsatisfied nobles he influences, as Cormyr is on the brink of civil war. To further his goals he also secretly starts killing War Wizards.   Elminster having been 'slain' by Manshoon travels the Underdark below Cormyr as an sentient ashcloud. He discovers that the drow try to harvest silver fire by killing Chosen, among them Simrustar Aglamir. Her silver fire invigorates Elminster and both share the body of a she-drow as a vessel for their spirits.   Cormyr: The 'Council of Dragons' is canceled and Cormyr tethers on the brink of civil war. Cormyr: Storm Silverhand travels through the Forest Kingdom, recruiting new Harpers. Meanwhile her sister, the Simbul uses bluefire artifacts to close planar rifts. Cormyr: Castle Urlingstar, a prison for sentenced nobles, suffers a string of murders. Events turn catastrophic as the southern tower is destroyed. In the end the few surviving staff and noble inmates flee the castle, teleporting directly to the royal gardens in Suzail. Rumors speak of a black dragon attacking, mage duels involving the likes of Elminster and Manshoon, drow assassins, and even state-sanctioned killings of the troublesome noble inmates (who are the source of that particular rumor). Cormyr: House Delcastle is attacked by nobles influenced by Manshoon, Delcastles' Matriarch and retainers are killed in the fight, but most of the attacking nobles die as well. Cormyr: The Simbul sacrifices herself to restore Elminster. Empowered by the collected magical energies and enraged over the losses he had to suffer, Elminster goes on a rampage, killing and punishing several deserving villians and ending Manshoon's plan for conquering Cormyr. In the end he uses the power to restore the vestige of Mystra back to full divinity.   Storm, Elminster and Mirt the Moneylender start training the new Harpers. As the Spellplague ends, the post-Weeping spells stop to function and the old ways of magic return. Spellscars start to lose their powers.   5th Flamerule   Tchazzar and his allies destroy the body of the dracolich Alasklerbanbastos the Great Bone Wyrm of Threskal.   7th Flamerule   Kassur Jedea, nominal monarch of Threskal surrenders to Tchazzar, who accepts him as a vassal king. The war between Threskal and Chessenta over, Tchazzar immediately declares war on the dragonborn of Tymanther, with Queen Arathane of Akanûl offering an alliance to Chessenta.   15th Flamerule   Alasklerbanbastos is brought back to unlife by the Brotherhood of the Griffon for questioning (BotG II pg.317-319)   Eleint   Chessenta: Tchazzar is slain in battle with the Brotherhood of the Griffon and it's dragon allies. Also the Bonewyrm's Alasklerbanbastos body is destroyed again. Shala Karanok resumes control of Chessenta, reenforcing the laws against wizards again. Murghôm: The vampire dragon Brimstone is forced to release the other draconic players from his spell.   10th Marpenoth   Arkanûl: Airspur loses contact to it's arambarium mine on the isle of Ithimir. The two squads of peacekeepers send to investigate do not return.   16th Marpenoth   Arkanûl: In Airspur pictures are stolen from the gallery of House Norjara. In relation to this event the windsoul genasi thief Riltana and the deva Demascus are attacked by genasi vampires of House Norjara.   17th Marpenoth   Airspur: Queen Arathane asks the deva Demascus to investigate what happened to the arambarium mine on Ithimir. The Queen fears that her four stewards might start a war. In a fight with Demascus, 'Lord Pashra', a watersoul genasi and merchant of vegetables, is revealed to be an oni mage, who is in league with the drow priestress Chenraya Xorlarrin.   18th Marpenoth   Arkanûl/Airspur: Demascus and his companions discover that the drow repaired an old Chondathan gate which now leads to the Demonweb. They and a band of vampires of House Norjara separately enter the Demonweb to investigate.   19th Marpenoth   Arkanûl/Airspur: During the flight from the Demonweb the vampiress Lady Essention of the Runecourt, unloved ally of Vampirelord Castrian of House Norjara, and the genasi vampires who accompanied her are destroyed.   20th Marpenoth   Waterdeep: Samark ‘Blackstaff’ Dhanzscul is murdered by Khondar ‘Ten Rings’ Naomal, the Guildmaster of the Watchful Order. Khondar's son Centiv disguises as Samark to cover the murder. Khondar's wants to turn Waterdeep into a magocracy under his rule.   Arkanûl: Queen Arathene herself and Demascus lead and expedition to the isle of Ithimir, where they fight drow within the arambarium mine.   21th Marpenoth   Arkanûl: The drow on Ithimir use a gigantic spider-shaped balloon to carry away the arambarium motherload towards Airspur, where they plan to use it to open a new portal to Menzoberranzan. Queen Arathene leads an attack into the Demonweb. The motherload is transformed into a staff and the new portal opens. Demascus manages to shatter the arambarium staff and keep the larger headpiece, while the drow priestress Chenreya Xorlarrin is left with the smaller rest on the Menzoberran-side of the now closed portal.   12th Nightal   Waterdeep: Samark's apprentice and heir Vajra Safahr assumes the mantle of the Blackstaff. Khondar Naomal ist defeated and slain by the magics of Ahghairons Tower.

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