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Year of the Awakened Sleepers


The Sembian armies of Netheril march against the Dalelands. Archingdale is attacked and conquered. Various other conflicts start and end.

The Sembian armies of Netheril march against the Dalelands. Archingdale is attacked and conquered.   Ches   19th Ches The reborn Companions of the Hall are reunited with Drizzt on Kelvin's Cairn on the night of the Spring Equinox. Clerics of Lolth sense the anger of their goddess.   20th Ches   Menzoberranzan: On the Festival of the Founding, House Baenre and Fey-Branche forge an alliance. An avatar of Lolth appears to show her approval. The alliance is sealed by the secret marriage of archmage Gromph Baenre with Minolin Fey, now Fey-Baenre.   Luskan: Jarlaxle is ordered back to Menzoberranzan by Matron Mother Quenthel Baenre, leaving Bregan Daerths dealings in Luskan in the hands of Beniago Baenre aka. High Captain Kurth of Ship Kurth.   Port Llast is attacked by a force of drow lead by Tiago Baenre, some citizens are take to Gauntlegrym/Q'Xorrlarin's mines as slaves. Only a few of the prisoners return later, having been freed by the Companions of the Hall.   Menzoberranzan: House Do'Urden is to be recreated on the orders of Lolth for the purpose of leading an army against the Silver Marches. House Xorlarrin leaves Menzoberranzan for it's new-founded sister-city of Q'Xorlarrin.   Icewind Dale: The dwarves of Kelvin's Cairn are attacked by a host of drow under the command of Tiago Baenre and Ravel Xorlarrin. Although the Xorlarrin weapons master Jearth falls in the first assault of the dwarves, Dain Stokely Silverstream and his warriors are defeated and many are taken to Q'Xorrlarin as slaves.   Luruar: The drow begin to darken the skies over the Silver Marches through the ritual of the Darkening, preparing the battlefield for their warriors. The drow plan to fight a proxy war, with the reborn House of Do'Urden leading forces of all drow noble houses and the orcs of Many-Arrows against the Silver Marches.   Dhalia, Drizzt's former lover and companion is named Matron Mother of House Do'urden, 8th House of Menzoberranzan. To'sun Armgo and his daughter Doum'wielle join House Do'Urden, with Tiago Baenre taking the position of the weapons master.   Luruar: The drow trick giants to follow their banner by presenting them with three fake brothers of the giant's god Thrym as leaders.   Faerûn/Luruar: The chromatic dragons begin to gather a hoard to reach the Nine Hells. The drow of Menzoberranzan buy the loyalty of the white dragon Arauthator 'The Old White Death' and his children by promises of plunder in their war. (Note: The dragons actions seem to connected to the 'Hoard of the Dragon Queen' Adventure)   Many-Arrows: The rather moderate royal line of Obould is eliminated due to drow intrigues. The bloodthirsty Warlord Hartusk becomes the new leader of the orcs and agrees to an alliance with the drow. Lorgru, son of the last Obould is sent into exile to the Spine of the World.   Luruar: The drow under the banner of House Do'Urden lead an army of orcs, giants and white dragons against the cities of Luruar through the Upper Surbrin Valley, pressing Moonwood first, King Harnoth of Adbar, one of the newly crowned twin kings of Adbar, leads a dwarvish legion via the Underdark to aid besieged Felbarr and Mithril Hall.   Luruar: Silverymoon, Sundabar and Nesmé as well as the dwarfholds of Adbar, Felbarr and Mithril Hall are besieged by the orc horde. Doum'wielle Do'Urden (Armgo), posing as an emissary of her mother Lady Sinnafein of Glimmerwood leads Twin King Bromm of Citadel Adbar, and his 200 dwarves into a trap. The king is slain by Tiago Baenre and his head is send to Dark Arrow Keep.   Eleint   6th of Eleint Luruar: Sundabar is conquered. King Firehelm is slain by Tiago Do'Urden (Baenre). Thousands of Sundabar's citizens are slain or enslaved. But many Sundabarans fled into the city's citadel and from there escaped into the Everfire Caverns. Sundabar is rebuilt as Hartusk Keep. The Horde plans to use Hartusk Keep to uphold the siege of Silverymoon over the winter month.   Damara: Jarlaxle tries to secure the aid of the dragon sisters Tazmikella and Ilnezhara against the white dragons who fight for the drow in Luruar.   Luruar: Nesmé is conquered by the Horde. The defenses of the riders of Nesmé are shattered by Tiago Do'Urden astride the white dragon Arauthator 'The Old White Death'. Tiago and his wife Saribel Do'Urden (Xorlarrin) proclaim themselves as Duke and Duchess of Nesmé. The Horde takes 600 prisoners of which Tiago orders the hardier half to be enslaved, while the other half is left to the 'mercies' of his underlings.   Luruar: The reborn King Bruenor Battlehammer and his companions reach besieged Mithril Hall and there reveals himself to his people.   Sembia: Sembian villages suffer as in addition to the hardships of the ever gloomy, monster-infested sembian plainlands, ever more mercenaries are called upon by Sembia for it's war. Sembian forces block the road between Daerlun and Cormyr and are massed all along the borders of the Dalelands. The Dales have already endured months of attacks by sembian forces. The sanctuary 'Abby of the Sword' within the Valley of the Rose is destroyed by minions of Mephistopheles, although only the Oracle Elden Corrinthal alone is killed, as he sent the remaining brothers away to Arabel.   The god Mask returns into the Realms through his Chosen Riven. Shar's Cycle of Night is broken and the Ordulin-Maelstrom is closed.   The Sakkors Enclave crashes into the ruins of Ordulin. The Netherese princes Brennus Tanthul and Rivalen Tanthul, Shar's Nightseer, are killed by the falling city. Although the shroud over Sembia remains, cracks begin to show in its gloom. Netheril: The High Prince orders the capture of the Chosen.   Ireabor: The Land is struck by an earthquake. Amn: Locusts afflicted Amn. "...tales began to spread of individuals [...] so-called Chosen [...] at the root of the conflicts that grip the land..."   Baldurs Gate: A statue of Minsc 'the Beloved Ranger' and his miniature giant space hamster Boo, heroes from the time before the Spellplague, is transformed into the actual Minsk and Boo by a wild magic surge.   Uktar   11th Uktar ('Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf' begins)

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