Abigail Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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An exiled smuggler, Abigail specializes in stealth and close quarters combat.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Excellent physical condition. Not strong but quick and accurate. She does her best work from the shadows and she's built for it.

Special abilities

  • Multi Attack / Ki Points / Stunning Strike / Unarmed Strike / Flurry of Blows
  • Patient Defense / Step of the Wind / Defelect Missiles / Slow Fall
  • Shadow Arts - Darkness / Darkvision / Pass Without Trace / Silence,

Apparel & Accessories

Simple dark clothes and a pack with forgery kits and thieves tools.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The order of the hidden hand and its members work for the benefit of the oppressed as investigators, spies and smugglers. Members are dispatched to help escort refugees to safety from humanitarian crisis, natural disasters and wars, while their spies keep an eye on major governmentse and other collectives.   Abigail was born on the youngest daughter of the starless clan, who had been members of the hidden hand for years. Smart and charismatic she excelled more in areas outside of her training but still studied diligently. At 17 she was sent on her first assignment to escort a group of myth drannor refugees to the safety of the main roads within the borders of Cormyr.   During the course of the mission she became distracted with a young man from the escort group. As teenagerse do they slipped away instead of standing watch. In this case a terrible mistake. They heard the screams and by the time they made it back a third of the refugess had been eaten by monsters from the forest. Monsters that snuck through the space she was supposed to be watching. When the survivors and the rest of the guard made it to Cormyr there was no hiding what had happened.   Despite her age and inexperience the family and the order had no choice but to banish her. They could not abide this kind of reckless failure and decided she could return in 10 years. She was stripped of her lowly rank and sent with some money and food to waterdeep. Shortly she ran into Ilxin, Peszes and Nilnan at a bar and after helping Ilxin get back at her initial attackers Shenanigans ensued and the 4 formed the Sapphire Army.




Education in History, Politics, Spycraft and Martial Arts.


Steady work with the Sapphire army and the Windblown.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Acrobatics +7
  • Athletics +5
  • Deception +4
  • Insight +8
  • Stealth +7
  • Charisma +1

Likes & Dislikes

  • Local Legends
  • Easy to access information
  • Busy Places
  • Staying up to watch the sunrise
  • Mornings
  • Vegetables
  • Loud Noises
Current Location
Date of Birth
9 Eleint, 1469 DR
She / Her
Dark hair swept back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Skin
5' 6"
160 lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
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