The Windblown Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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The Windblown


  • Founder
    • The original 5 founders of the company. River, Xior, Aay, Seteth and Avel are who every member answers to.
    • River is the Leader and the ultimate authority but each member has a path they want to see the company going.
  • Support Member - Members of the windblown who have either retired from contract taking or were brought on for reasons not related to mercenary work
    • Full access to everything at the weeping peak
    • Dedicated rooms
    • At cost access to transportation, teleportation and to the quartermaster
  • Senior Member - Members that have been with the company over two years with a reliable record of successful missions. Must be recommended by another senior member or founder
    • At cost access to transportation, teleportation and to the quartermaster
  • Keeper - Run the windblown offices in cities. They need to be above all savvy and able to keep secrets, and either cast teleportation circle or contract someone who can.
    • Don't take contracts, instead runs offices. Generally some level of martial skill is required simply to deal with mercenaries
    • Keepers can put in equipment or reenforcement requests with the windblown on behalf of associates, authorize teleportaiton based on rank, and
    • They get 5% of each contract that is taken successfully from their office.
  • Full Member
    • Gifted a single teleportation tablet for the group to the weeping peak.
    • Dedicated rooms at the keep
    • They can also request special items, like magic items, poisons, potions and scrolls (5% fee)
    • Access to the weeping peak's mission board, kitchen and supplies
    • This rank also allows for special training with other full and senior members
    • 10% of every contract goes to the windblown
  • Innitiate - At a keepers discression and after completing several contracts successfully with the windblown, an offer is made to bring dedicated members in starting at this rank.
    • Access to teleportation networks
    • Access to quertermaster(10% fee), kitchen, and can catch a ride with any of the innitiated vehicles at their set cost.
    • 15% of every contract goes to the windblown
  • Associate - Anyone that takes a contract with the company is an associate. They are not permitted to know about the peak or the more secret features of any office
    • Associates take contracts by working with keepers and other members
    • 20% of every contract goes to the windblown
    • Can request assistance from other associates or higher working out of that office.
    • No access to the peak, vehicles, item requests, or training. Requests for help can be made but any resource distribution is granted at the keepers discression.


Tranquil Groves Quartermaster Station:
  Vehicle Resources:


  • Elvenblood
  • Chateau Mogglefoggle
  • Mezro Forward Base
    Still under construction but they've got a basic defensible position.
  • The 5th Edition
  • Bell-mère
    Town populated by refugees and people recruited or saved by the windblown. It starts small with only the lower tier developed big plots of open land and room for the players to expand.


The Highest Sea have been taking Windblown for several years, and now Arri is a full member. They are more expensive than the Windblown would always like but Xior in particular has been making good use of them as his own personal dropship on Zhentarim hunting missions. Its an easy job for the crew and The Weeping Peak has proven to be an extremly valuable safe haven for them.


Winnifred is a full member, but the caravan company has been contrated out by the windblown for years. Since the caravan can get to positions that are particularly difficult to reach and have a teleportaiton circle of their own they make the perfect forward operating base for any kind of major operation the windblown are trying to perform. On top of Xiroras ability to scout and Triza's defensive modifications the Pilgrims Path have cemented themselves as the go to solution for any large scale land operation far from a teleportation circle.


The enclave isn't wild about some of the windblowns other work, but they are regularly hired to manipulate political agendas towards conservation, and if that doesn't work, hired interrupt construction and clearing of areas that should be preserved.   The two have an excellent relationship and the enclave helped setup bellmere


The windblown have executed a large number of successful contracts for the lords alliance. The pay is good and the work is reliable so they engage but Seteth in particular doesn't approve the slave trading that goes on in some of the member kingdom's back yard's.


The relationship is extremely utilitarian but mutally beneficial


The Narbeth leaders still hold some resentment for having been left but now everyone is safe and has enough to eat so they are willing to let it go and just live their lives.

The Founders of both groups used to work together but haven't seen each other in years. There haven't been any formal collaborative jobs but they have each reached out to the other several occasions for last minute gigs


The Windblown have been contracted out by one of the Ravens Bluff Council (who answer to the golden lords), Cyclone Sinaran but the rest do not know about their involvement. Seteth believes Vesperin could be an extremely lucrative market to break into and wants to wind the loyalty of Sinaran while raising her standing to guarantee further contracts. A variety of her team are in place already laying the groundwork for these operations.


Xior and his unit in particular actively hunt any Zhentarim with a contract on their heads, generally from the Lords Alliance but its no secret he's out for blood. In response there have been some retaliations on Windblown offices and members. The founders outside of Xior generally see it as just more competition but his personal vendetta is making the company more of a target than many members would like.

Articles under The Windblown


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