Advisory Council Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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Advisory Council

This group of advisers were comprised of 20 retired officials, nobles, council members or government appointees, who regularly met to debate issues that arose in the city and offer their advice to the Council of Lords, Merchants Council or Lord Mayor. Although they held no official power, they were held in high regard and carried much prestige within the city. Their Lord Speaker, who was elected from among their numbers, held a seat on the Lords Council.


  • Lord Speaker - Robyn Coldrun - Human F
  • Zeler Khostan - Human M
  • Yoncos Bagrax - Dragonborn F
  • Armren Ashbrow - Dwarf M
  • Nesras Febrer - Dwarf F
  • Durerim Mistpeak- Half Orc F
  • Vedan Elain- Aasimar F
  • Roren Kidrestoth- Firbolg M
  • Olalee Boldbeam - High Elf F
  • Crest Ithii - Sea Elf M
  • Movek Flintstriker Valu-Nulane - Goliath M
  • Nesj Unt - Lizardfolk F
  • Quih Hao - Human M
  • Ston Blazeroot - Human M
  • Brave Robin - Tabaxi F
  • Wave on the Shore - Tabaxi M
  • Toskeill Ostlili - Yuan-ti M
  • Bargrom Moltentale - Dwarf M
  • Sanhorn Cinderace - Halfing M
  • Idada Glowcloak - Halfling F
Geopolitical, City council
Notable Members


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