Ravens Bluff Settlement in Faerun | World Anvil
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Ravens Bluff


Ther larger structure for the Government is as follows: Ravens Bluff is part of the nation of Vesperin and answers to the Golden Lords.  
  • The Lord/Lady Mayor is the elected ruler of the city with an appointed Deputy Mayor acting as their assistant.
  • The Advisory Council acts as a cabinet to the Mayor and are comprised from leaders of other governing bodies throughout the city.
  • The City Courts are the justice system of Ravens Bluff
  • The Council of Lords are the legislative branch, drafting and proposing laws based on the Mayors agenda
    • City Regents - work under the Lord Chancelor to handle the business of actually running a city.
  • The Clerical Circle is a council of religious leaders that handles all matters related to faith, religious groups and divine magic within Ravens Bluff.
  • The Ministry of Art is a council of arcanists that offer their recommendations and opinions to the Lord Mayor and Lords Council on everything arcane within and throughout the city.
  • Merchants Council - There were sixteen seats on the council, each of which was filled by specific members from each merchant house of the city.
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