Alaron Geographic Location in Faerun | World Anvil
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I have left Caer Callidyrr for the Cantrev Aithe, where my father lived as a child. There, I’ll meet his family. We hav-en’t met before, and I’m nervous about the meeting. What if they dislike me? What if I dislike them? I carry a letter left to them by my father. I hope it is enough.As my father asked, I spread his ashes on a hilltop near his family’s steading. I recognized the hill by the dolmen that crowned its crest. I stood for an hour marveling at the view. The island is breathtakingly beautiful. I can see why it lodged itself in my father’s memories. The dark forests contrast with the windswept moors. The gray skies and clinging mist give it character. It’s a land made for stories. -- Journal of Kwente-Nerys.   Alaron, the largest island in the Moonshae archipelago, is the home of High King Derid Kendrick, the ruler of House Kendrick, which united the Ffolk and Northland-ers into a single nation over a century ago. Before the treaty that brought Ffolk and Northlander together under the banner of House Kendrick, Alaron was an island divided. The lands to the south of the Fairheight Moun-tains were known as Callidyrr, and its rolling hills and vast plains belonged to the Ffolk. The realm of Gnarhelm occupied the steep hills and storm-ravaged cliffs north of the Fairheights. The cultures of these two areas were as different as the landscapes that comprised them, but since that time the Ffolk and Northlanders have begun creating a unique culture. Most of the people of Alaron simply consider themselves Moonshavian and are not recogniz-able as either Ffolk or Northlander. However, with the declining fortunes of the High King, even the island of Alaron is not entirely under the control of House Kendrick’s forces. The center of the Dernall Forest has been lost to dark fey from the Feywild streaming through a crack in the planar wall. Other evil fey chased the dwarves of Gwynneth back through the tunnels of Dwarvenholm into the Fairheight Mountains, threatening to burst forth and occupy the lands to the north. Even the small city of Kythyss, at the southern tip of the island, has been infiltrated and corrupted by merce-naries and traitors working with the Amnian occupiers of Snowdown.   Not since the unification of the Moonshaes by High Queen Alicia Kendrick in 1371 DR has the civilized natives of the isles been in such a dangerous predicament. High King Derid is in dire need of fearless and loyal heroes to assist him in returning the unified Moonshae Isles to their former glory.


  • Alaron

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