Caer Callidyr Settlement in Faerun | World Anvil
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Caer Callidyr

The High King resides at the center of the stronghold Caer Callidyrr with his family and loyal servants. The capital city of Callidyrr, sandwiched between the Dernall Forest to the south and the Fairheight Mountains to the north, acts as the center of culture and trade for the rem-nants of the High King’s domain. With so much fear and uncertainty assailing House Kendrick from all directions, most of King Derid’s troops have been called back to pro-tect Caer Callidyrr and the immediate surroundings.   Morale at Caer Callidyrr has never been lower. King Derid’s youngest son Owaren has been kidnapped by the Viceroy of Westphal to ensure that the High King leaves Amn’s investments alone. The Northlanders of Norland and some other islands have revolted and no longer pledge their fealty to King Derid. Caer Corwell, the former seat of House Kendrick’s power – as well as the whole island of Gwynneth – is now under the rule of a fey Queen, and all attempts to retake the area have failed utterly.   Now desperate, High King Derid has consulted with his most trusted advisors and has decided on a course of action: the first step must be to regain control of the entire island of Alaron from the evil fey threatening the Dernall Forest. Once this area has been tamed, further gains can be considered elsewhere.   One bit of diplomacy is taking place as well. King Derid asked his eldest daughter, Tarilyn Kendrick, to act as an ambassador in the court of the High Lady Ordalf. She works with Lady Ordalf ’s son, Prince Araithe, to broker peace between the two groups and work together to fight threats to the stability of the Moonshaes.


  • Caer Callidyrr


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