Aradia Faircloak Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Aradia Faircloak

Aradia is the middle sister of the coven. Aradia operates as the information center of the coven, sending out her flock of familiars to eavesdrop, scrying, spying. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty either, gathering information by investigating places and interviewing people, or meeting with the covens agents.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aradia appears as a short, extremely thin pale, young elf swathed in a black tunic and breeches worn to the point of tatters with sturdy boots. She looks like she hasn't eaten or slept enough, all the more unusual for her elven nature. This is accentuated by dramatic dark makeup around her eyes and lips. She regularly disguises herself when moving among mortals.

Specialized Equipment

Scrying Eye - This archfey has an ornately crafted, removable eye that has the power of truesight (as described in the Monster Manual). The archfey can see through this orb at all times. If the detached eye is destroyed, it rematerializes undamaged in the archfey’s empty eye socket. She uses this as a remote camera, hidden among the houses of people she suspects of crimes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The sisters together implement their boons and deals but it was Aradia that came up with the idea to agressively push into weakened territories and hunt the rich and abusive as the targets of their deals.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Aradia is the most talented magic user of the sisters. At the same time she is physically the weakest of the sisters, so most of her day to day routine involves being inconspicuous, scouting from a distance with her familiar, disguising herself if she has to go anywhere physically and attacking from a distance if it comes to that.

Virtues & Personality perks

Aradia doesn't act impulsively. She is by far the most level headed of the group. She does her research on targets that don't come directly to the coven, compiles a detailed report on them and then wholeheartedly commits to the course of action the sisters decide. If someone she has looked into gets attacked or cursed, you can be pretty sure they deserved it.

Vices & Personality flaws

Aradia cannot forgive a slight, unless her sisters force her to drop it. She holds grudges to the point of obsession and isn't afraid to act on her own, delivering cruel consequences to those who have wronged her or those she deems worthy of protecting.   "She would rather be beaten to death than take a single insult from anyone."
Current Location
Date of Birth
9 Deepwinter, 1090 DR
Current Residence
Castle of Skulls
She / Her
Short cut black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4' 9"
90 lbs
Aligned Organization


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