The Faircloak Coven Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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The Faircloak Coven

The Faircloak Coven is a group of three elves, each is one of Iggwilv's apprentices.   The three were born as hags but growing up with their master, detested the malicious and trivial scheming behaviors of other hags so much they underwent a permeant ritual to transform. They transformed themselves into elves, to gain distance from other hags, and honor their more humanoid teacher, while maintaining a connection to their fey heritage. This had the added benefit of allowing the sisters to ingratiate themselves more easily into the societies of other planes, letting them to bypass much of the stigma and occasional checks for illusions or deceptions.   Their master carved out a Feywild domain for herself in the guise of an archfey named Zybilna, and her apprentices followed her example. Instead of worming their way into Zybilna's domain like some other covens, they decided to establish their own, a tiny stronghold in the feywild that they use to travel to the material plane, shadowfell and occasionally the outer planes establishing temporary domains to do their dark work.   The sisters, travel the planes picking clusters of cities or towns that have been struck by turmoil or are in a state of flux. They set up shop on the borders and impose their own philosophies on the area, targeting the rich, corrupt and abusive. They install infrastructure, establish Ombudsman and civil services to manage and put their targets in their place by seizing their assets, binding them into one sided deals and publicly punishing and humiliating them. They can be brutal, but the places the visit are generally left better off than when they were found.   They tend to collect a group of children, orphaned or from deals at each location, that they raise in their own image. They learn magic, history, combat, and how to navigate the planes. These children are their strength and their weakness. They can call upon them for help, if needed but will also cave if they are threatened, doing whatever necessary to protect them.
Religious, Coven


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