Bellis Faircloak Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Bellis Faircloak

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bellis appears as a fit, well kept elven woman with sleek dark hair reaching down to her back. She is often found in flowing dresses or light elegant outfits in the elven style. She looks healthy and alert, and engages in deals with keen attention. She almost never disguises herself, taking pride in her appearance and identity among mortals.

Special abilities

Hand of Fate - One of the archfey’s hands blurs as though it were in multiple places at once. The archfey can learn the entire history of a creature or object by touching it with that hand. She uses this to judge the lives of people coming in search of a boon, to determine the potency of the curse the receive.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The oldest of the three sisters, It was Bellis who initially suggested their transformation into elves.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Bellis is the face of the coven. While magically and physically powerful, she has chosen an form that is intentionally not intimidating. She is skilled in persuasion, deception, and intimidation and in combination with her Hand of Knowing she has little bending people to her will, good or bad.

Virtues & Personality perks

She can be quite generous, her ability to see the history of the person slightly biases her decision to grant of boons and curses. This swings both ways, her gracious decisions are more generous, and her curses are more brutal.

Vices & Personality flaws

Bellis is deeply competitive. She holds it together well enough when she's acting as the coven's face but around friends or her sisters she can be obnoxious with her need to win.   "Its not enough for me to win, you have to lose."
Current Location
Date of Birth
18 Summertide, 1085 DR
Current Residence
She / Her
Long Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 9"
160 lb
Aligned Organization


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