Kara Faircloak Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Kara Faircloak

She is the 'boots on the ground' member of the coven, physically running or traveling between the locations and overseeing the various projects and initiatives that the sisters have going on. She will sync with the Ombudsman, ensure critical supplies are delivered, physically carrying them if needed, or dealing out out punishments at each location. While Bellis is the 'face' of the party, when their subjects think of the coven, its Kara who comes to mind.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kera appears as a fit, strong elven woman clad in well crafted by subtly accented half plate armor. She has long dark hair she keeps pulled back or tied up, with pale skin and bright green eyes. She tall and by a mile the most physically built sister of the coven, which suits her role in the group well. She is generally well put together but her time spent traveling in and among the various project territories shows on her person.

Special abilities

Health Aura - Any allies within a 30ft radius of Kara regenerate 2d6 health at the start of every round.   Land Mastery - Moving through magical Difficult Terrain costs her no extra movement, and she cannot be Surprised.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kara, working with some of their children, was the one that originally came up with the idea of the infrastructure developments for their project locations as an easy way to improve lives and build favor.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Kara takes the initative. While the towns and cities the coven are working on benefit implicitly from the removal of corruption and the distribution of wealth, is the one regularly doing good on the ground. She make sure critical deliveries are met, justice is dispensed, and sees to it the physical infrasture is improved or developed.

Vices & Personality flaws

Kara has a lot of trouble trusting the people shes among. She has a great personality, and gets along well with people but ultimately her and her sisters are here to take over a place and show them the right way to do things, and that often comes with some initial animosity. She's acting in the peoples best interest and wants to see them succeed and she finds it difficult to maintain boundaries.
Current Location
Date of Birth
1 Kythorn 1095 DR
She / Her
Bright Blue
Waist length black hair she keeps pulled back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6" 3'
220 lb
Aligned Organization


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