Loraleth Character in Faerun | World Anvil
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Failed Dark Lord turned adventurer and surprisingly cultural leader, Loraleth is still kind of reeling from where ther life choices have taken her but is rolling with it. Her undead minions and mastery of magic make her a flexibile addition to the Sapphire Army.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Small, thin, only just barely has the stamina to keep up with the team on a day to day basis.

Physical quirks

Tends to let herself look like the ring girl until the rest of the team makes her put herself together.

Special abilities

  • Spellcasting / Grim Harvest / Undead Thralls
  • Darkvision / Fey Ancestry / Fleet of Foot

Apparel & Accessories

Dark clothing with sturdy pants and boots. A large coat and a pointy hat to keep up appearances. Carries a twisted whitewood staff ornamented with spell components.

Specialized Equipment

Portable Hole containing several emergency undead.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Loraleth was never quite able to cut it as a true force of evil. She spent a lot of time growing up getting picked on and being made to feel small. She found that with her natural intelligence and some tomes purchased from merchants passing through their small town on the coast of waterdeep, getting her childhood bullies to back off was suddenly not so hard.   With new found power in hand she left her small town, ready to take what she wanted and do what she pleased and never be pushed around again. She could blackmail the powerful, rob anyone that wronged her, make her own undead legions and build a menacing tower, the envy of any archmage in the land! Turns out the actual magic was the only thing she was good at and all of the rest of the 'evil wizarding' was completely beyond her.   So when skeletons started going missing from a local graveyard The Sapphire Army was hired to remove an up and coming dark wizard from an abaonded fortess. They fought their way up the mountain through the fortress and the army of raised skeletons, into the evil sanctum only to find the Loraleth oblivious to their presenece, mid panic attack over "the amount of work it would take to fix all of the wood rot, and after i just finished setting up the lab too on my god" and decided maybe they could jus talk their way through this job.   After a long talk about her goals and ambitions (and more than a little pitty), they invited her to join them and her skills have proven invaluable for the team. Since arriving in the Moonshae isles she has actually found a weird positive niche as a necromancer. The towns and villages are actually very cool with using their bones of their ancestors to help protect the living villagers and Loraleth has taken on a role as a kind of wandering cultural figure in the year the The Sapphire Army Army has been working on the Islands.

Gender Identity

She can identify genders about 50% of the time.




She is almost entirely self taught. Her understand of magic, the realms, life and death are all excellent, but she doesn't have much education in history or any of the classical subjects.


Steady employment with the Sapphire Army and the Windblown

Failures & Embarrassments

Her initial attempts at dark wizarding haunt her to this day. Her teammates never let her live it down.

Intellectual Characteristics

Shes extremely smart. She has the ambition and vision to make big plays, but get easily overwhelmed and tends to spiral quickly. As part of a team to help her overcome those hurdles she can come up with and execute fantastic plans.

Personality Characteristics


With a team behind her she wants to do great things and make a name for herself. She's find with that name being part of a group and also good with that name being tied to accomplishments that are not overtly evil. The idea of being a dark wizard is romantic and all but friends are cool too.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Arcana +7
  • History +7
  • Nature +7
  • Perception +7
  • Intimidation +7
  • Athletics + 0
  • Stealth +1
  • Slight of Hand +1

Likes & Dislikes

  • Solving Problems
  • Being Recognized & Attention
  • Cocktails
  • Responsibility
  • Bullies
  • Having to rough it but also having to keep herself presentable

Virtues & Personality perks

She dreams big and despite the 'evil wizard' stuff is very respectful of the dead and peoples attachments to their family and friends. Generally doesn't convert people to zombies or skeletons without getting their consent first or unless its an emergency and marks them with some sort of indicator of who they were in life.

Vices & Personality flaws

Absolutely cannot stand having to get ready for stuff. She can be insufferable
Current Location
Date of Birth
5 Kythorn, 1471 AD
She / Her
Dark kept pulled back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
5' 4"
120 lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Primordial
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