Mezro Forward Base Settlement in Faerun | World Anvil
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Mezro Forward Base

A small collection of mercenaries have been hired to lay the groundwork for a future operation in chult. There are several high level spells to establish permenant structures that would not be practical to build in such a remote area.
  • Fortifications are being being fabricated by Zimin and set up by Nivian and Brook
  • Dranaar is casting temple to the gods to make it permanent
  • Zimin is casting mighty fortress to make it permanent
  • Constrictor Snake Defender Mount refinement
There are 5 Windblown associated members as well as a small company of hired guards brought on to take guard shifts against the oncoming undead. This fortress is deep in the heart of lesser undead territory and next to greater undead territory Southeast of Port Nyanzaru. Its mostly minor undead creatures the hired guards can handle but occasionally one of the Windblown needs to be called in for something wandering in from the east.   They still have a long time until the base can be used to repell full assaults, so the group tends to stay quiet and only sends out scouts or Nivian with the Constrictor Snake Defender Mount to explore ruins and other places of interest.  
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  • Mezro Forward Base
    Still under construction but they've got a basic defensible position.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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