The Dalelands Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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The Dalelands

The humans who call the Dalelands home want nothing more than lives untroubled by the concerns of larger nations. They take great pride in their peaceful coexistence with the elves of Cormanthor, and in their ability to remain largely self-sufficient and autonomous even when their homeland was used as a battlefield by Cormyr, Netheril, Sembia, and Myth Drannor in the recent conflicts. Featherdale and Tasseldale have reasserted their independence since the end of the war, and rejoined Archendale, Battledale, Daggerdale, Deepingdale, Harrowdale, Mistledale, Scardale, and Shadowdale on the Dales Council. The High Dale did the same shortly afterward.   Dalesfolk are mistrustful of anyone unwilling to sacrifice for the common good, but those who put in good work — whether in defense or labor — are accepted as equals, entitled to share in the rewards from their toil.
Geopolitical, Country
Neighboring Nations


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