Vesperin Organization in Faerun | World Anvil
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Vesperin was a center for trade in the region, and gold was more influential than government. Commerce dominated society, and with it came corruption and crime. As a neutral country, it became a meeting place for agents of rival powers and so was rife with intrigue, rumor, and double-dealing. Despite this reputation, Vesperin was never as cutthroat or brutal as The Moonsea to the north, and basic standards of behavior and conduct were enforced. It was considered a dynamic and happening place.   The neighboring kingdom of Impiltur largely traded overland with Vesperin.


There is a culture of corruption and crime, as comes with any significant flow of money through a populous but a basic standard of behavior is enforced in the city streets and to refugees.


In 1370 DR, Ravens Bluff proposed the formation of a regional government in the Vast. It started by taking neighboring settlements under its control, such as Mossbridges and New Hope, and thus turned Ravens Bluff into a city-state. Procampur remained neutral on the plan, preferring to wait-and-see, while Tantras strongly rejected the proposal. Local lords were unwilling to place themselves under civic authority, while others disliked being annexed, but merchants and many ordinary folk felt it would only improve prosperity of the Vast.   Vesperin was founded when the formerly independent city-states of Calaunt, Ravens Bluff, and Tantras united to form a single state.   When the second Netheril took over Sembia around 1400 DR, many Sembian merchants migrated to Vesperin. The majority of them settled in Ravens Bluff, making it the largest city in the nation. The Netherese rulers eventually cracked down on Sembian migration, killing would-be refugees who tried to cross to the Vast. With Sembia dominated, Impiltur in decline, and the influx of immigrants, Vesperin flourished as a neutral center of trade and intrigue.   It was still a young nation by 1479 DR.

Foreign Relations

Vesperin remained neutral with regard to international politics.


  • The Vast
Founding Date
1370 DR
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Vast
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Executive Body
Vesperin was ruled by the Golden Lords however The Merchant Dukes of Calaunt still held sway in their own city. Travelers to the city required a Writ of Trade, a legal document issued by the Merchant Dukes or by the Golden Lords, in order to pass without interference.
Controlled Territories


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