Claugiyliamatar, The Watcher

(a.k.a. Old Gnawbone, The Watcher)

An ancient green dragon who lives within Kryptgarden Forest. She is known for her particular ability to scry across all of Faerun with the aid of her collection of crystal balls. 
She met the Muffin Men when they sought her out on the advice of a Wizard they met in Waterdeep named Chazlauth. He suggested the party seek an alliance against the giants, and recommended no better ally than a dragon who counted the giants among her mortal enemies. 
Claugiyliamatar, always a watcher and a keeper of secrets rather than a warrior, opposed getting directly involved in thwarting the machinations of the giants. She instead recommend that the Muffin Men seek more information about what is currently happening, and pointed them to the North. She told them to find the Eye of the All Father, an ancient shrine to the overgod of the giants. Within the shine, they were to find an oracle who could shed more light on the troubles brewing among the giant clans. 
She also provided the group with another bit of knowledge. She suggested the party find a Frost Giant by the name of Harshnag. This giant, she said, was a much an enemy of the other giants as she was, and was far more of a warrior. The only information she provided was that Harshnag was known to wander the northern reaches of Faerun, and that he could be identified by the dragonskull helm he wears.
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Emerald green


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