Kryptgarden Forest

An ancient forest

Kryptgarden is one of the oldest forests in Faerun, and is the home of Claugiyliamatar, The Watcher, an ancient green dragon.   In 1490 DR, the Muffin Men sought an audience with the dragon of the forest. Claugiyliamatar, The Watcher shared her knowledge, or at least the part of her knowledge she cared to share, about the upheaval of the giants. She suggested the party seek the Eye of the All-Father, and implore the oracle within to reveal their secrets about the giants.   While leaving the forest, Borgan Tometiller and his compatriots were attacked by wildlings of the totem of the wolf. The gnome rogue was bitten by one of the werewolves, setting in motion a series of events that led to the death of Behold Tengo, and wanton destruction in the city of Yartar .
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