
A small motte and bailey near Waterdeep, on the edge of the Ardeep Forest. It is often used as a hunting retreat for the wealthy from Waterdeep. In 1490 DR, it was attacked by a number of Cloud Giants, who bombarded it from their flying fortresses before they descended and took possession of a large black obelisk that shared a name with the town itself. In the bombardment, the lord of Nightstone was killed by a massive boulder, creating something of a power vacuum.   The cloud giant attack opened the city for further harassment from a nearby goblin tribe, who were raiding the larders and looting the homes when The Muffin Men arrived on the scene. While away dealing with the goblins in a nearby cave, the Muffin Men rescued a number of townfolk who were captured during the raiding, and helped return them to their homes. This was not the end of Nightstone's woes though. A Zhentarim agent by the name of Kella Darkhope opened the gates to her compatriots, who then stormed the keep and took captive the lady of Nightstone and her remaining guards. This attempt to take control of the town was also thwarted by the heroes, although Kella Darkhope was allowed to live.


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