War of the Silver Marches

In the fall of Year of the Awakened Sleepers, 1484 DR, the drow minions of Quenthel Baenre incited the frost giants of the Shining White and two white dragons, Arauthator and Aurbangras, to ally with the orcs of the Kingdom of Many-Arrows, where the warmonger Hartusk gained the power. A large army of orcs and drow, supported by frost giants and white dragons, assaulted the Silver Marches, culminating in the destruction of the town of Nesme. Sundabar also fell to the orc horde, and the dwarfholds of the region - Mithral Hall , Citadel Adbar, and Citadel Felbarr - were besieged by the combined orc and drow army.

The Conflict


The drow wizard Tsabrak Xorlarrin channeled the Darkening upon the Silver Marches under the orders of Lolth in order to prepare for the war.


At last, in the spring of 1485 DR, Bruenor managed to unite all the dwarven forces to retake the River Surbrin bridge from the forces of Many-Arrows. In the sky above the battle, Drizzt Do'Urden and Afafrenfere on the copper dragons Ilnezhara and Tazmikella confronted Tiago Baenre and Tos'un Armgo on the white dragons Arauthator and Aurbangras, leaving Tos'un and Aurbangras dead and Arauthator in retreat. Then, in Flamerule, Bruenor used the dwarven Ritual of the March and managed to conquer Dark Arrow Keep, restoring it to Lorgru, its proper ruler, and defeating Hartusk's remaining armies.   At last, with the backing of Jarlaxle, using Drizzt as a conduit, the turncoat drow archmage Gromph Baenre dispelled the Darkening, disguising the act as the power of Mielikki.
Conflict Type
Start Date
1484 DR
Ending Date
1485 DR
Conflict Result
Pyrrhic victory for the Silver Marches


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