Amnian Social Ranks Rank/Title in Faerûn | World Anvil

Amnian Social Ranks

There is a strict system of rankings within Amnian society as shown below:
  • Ore—the lowest rank. Used to mean filthy or criminal, and strongly insulting.
  • Bronze—the working class. Could also be used to mean a low-rank imposter.
  • Copper—acceptable working class.
  • Steel—best of the working class, or military.
  • Silver—a rising merchant or one with much potential.
  • Gold—one whose wealth was inherited, or one who was wealthy without business sense.
  • Platinum—the head of a mercantile house.
  • Adamantine—the highest self-made rank.
  • Mithral—perfection. The highest possible rank.
  •   Those who rise or fall through the ranks is dictated by the whims and perceptions of the Council of Five and enforced by a group of officials know only as The Counters who were responsible for declaring the will of the council. Every citizen is required to wear a mark of their status and rank while in public and it was not unusual for any reasonable command from one of a higher status to be honored if requested. The punishment for not wearing a mark of your station or impersonating someone of a higher class was dealt with harshly and could, in some circumstances, even be punishable by death or enslavement.
    Civic, Citizenship


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