An Interesting Invitation

It has been just over 1600 years since the founding of the capital city of Athkatla . Over time, the nation of Amn grew up around this central jewel and "City of Coin". The country is exceedingly wealthy and not much is known of it outside its borders except it is dangerous for those who do not understand its inner workings. While it is ostensibly a nation based on merit and has no overt barriers to rising up or down through its societal ranking and hierarchy, it is not so fair for everyone. Even more so for anyone who finds themselves opposed to the ruling powers or wealthy elites. Slavery is a common practice, corruption is a matter of course in all business dealings, and the repercussions for even the smallest of crimes can be harsh and unjust. It is magically protected at its borders and sees no issues with monitoring the every movements of foreign spellcasters and immigrants alike. It is ruled by an interwoven triumvirate of powers: the Council of Five, Cowled Wizards , and Shadow Thieves . Each faction has its own goals, ambitions, and methods but are bound ultimately by their desire to accumulate and maintain power. There are many who wish they could free themselves of the bonds and shackles imposed upon them within the borders of Amn but only a rare few known as The Unbound are able to effectively attempt to counterbalance against the oppressive forces at play. Their organization has recently sought to establish a new cell within the very heart of the empire, Athkatla. Will you answer the call?


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