Bernard Chainstone Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Bernard Chainstone

Bernard Chainstone is the influential leader of the Chainstone family, a prominent supplier of ore and hewn stone to the empire of Amn. For generations, the Chainstone family has played a vital role in supporting the empire's infrastructure and construction projects. However, Bernard's ambitious and competitive nature led him to initiate a conflict with the Crimmor family, the famous caravanners, six years ago, which sparked a rivalry between the two families and eventually led to the Siege of Crimmor.
  Bernard is a driven and determined individual, always seeking to expand his family's influence and wealth. He possesses a commanding presence and a no-nonsense attitude. Bernard values strength and power, and believes in seizing opportunities to gain a competitive edge in the market. He can be shrewd and calculating, willing to take risks to further his family's interests. While Bernard is fiercely competitive, he also deeply cares about his family's legacy and the success of the Chainstone name.


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