Siege of Crimmor Military Conflict in Faerûn | World Anvil

Siege of Crimmor

For many years the Chainstone and Crimmor families had an arduous and fragile alliance. The Crimmor family took every opportunity to leverage their control over the caravan lanes to squeeze greater and greater profits from the Chainstones. However, Bernard Chainstone came up with a clever way to circumvent their stranglehold by transporting their hewn stone and mined ore through the country's rivers. This was not taken favorably by the Crimmors who argued their case to the Council of Five who refused to intervene in what they perceived to be a fair and arguably clever solution to the Chainstones dilemma. Angered by this decision the Crimmors were rumored to have hired local thieves and brigands to set fire to the newly minted Chainstone shipyards, resulting in a massive loss of both profit and resources for their family. As a result the Chainstones set siege to the city of Crimmor and demanded recompense from the Crimmors who denied any involvement in the terrible tragedy at the Chainstone shipyards. The siege lasted for over 30 days before the Council of Five requested the assistance of the Goldspires who sent their army of holy warriors to the front. The resulting conflict was swift and bloody. By the end both the Crimmor and Chainstone families lost nearly a thousand troops as the forces of the Church of Waukeen assaulted the sieging forces and then marched with Bernard Chainstone himself through the Crimmor defenses and up to the foot of the cities' keep in order to force a cease of conflicts between both families. To this day this brief conflict is spoke of with both fear and reverence regarding the forces of the Goldspires and while both families still hold a grudge their dare not tempt the wrath of the church.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
1679 DR
Ending Date
1679 DR


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