Bordryn Stonehammer Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Bordryn Stonehammer

Bordryn Stonehammer is a well-respected dwarf who owns and operates the popular tavern known as Bordryn's Bucket in the bustling city of Athkatla. Known for his hearty laughter, boisterous personality, and exceptional hospitality, Bordryn has created a warm and welcoming atmosphere that draws patrons from all walks of life. With his extensive knowledge of spirits, ales, and stories, he has transformed his tavern into a hub of camaraderie and revelry for the guards and visitors of the city.
  Bordryn is a jovial and charismatic individual, always ready with a hearty laugh and a kind word. He takes pleasure in fostering an inclusive and diverse environment within his tavern, where people from all races and backgrounds can come together to share stories, forge friendships, and escape the troubles of the outside world. Bordryn has a knack for remembering names and faces, making each guest feel valued and at home.
Amnian Social Ranks: Gold
Ruled Locations


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