Gideon Hastings Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Gideon Hastings

Gideon Hastings

In the bustling city of Athkatla, a figure walks the streets, tall and lean with long black hair tied back and piercing green eyes that hold a sense of maturity beyond his years; this is Gideon Hastings, a charismatic paladin devoted to Waukeen, the Goddess of Commerce. Clad in his striking ornate armor adorned with symbols of prosperity and power, he exudes both elegance and authority. With a formidable warhammer always at his side, Gideon's enigmatic charm and unwavering resolve leave a lasting impression, hinting at the complexities that lie beneath the surface of his charismatic persona.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gideon Hastings possesses a striking and commanding physique, befitting of a seasoned paladin. Standing tall and lean, his presence demands attention and respect. His long black hair, often tied back, adds to his enigmatic aura, while his piercing green eyes hold a sense of maturity beyond his relatively young age. Well-toned muscles and an athletic build hint at his physical prowess and the rigorous training he underwent as a paladin. Gideon's posture is confident, his shoulders squared, and his movements precise, showcasing his discipline and readiness for any challenge that may come his way.

Facial Features

Gideon Hastings possesses a countenance that commands attention and intrigue. His face, framed by long black hair tied back, exudes a sense of maturity and wisdom beyond his years. His piercing green eyes are like windows to his soul, revealing the complexities of his character – a blend of devotion, ambition, and inner conflict. His eyes hold an intensity that captivates those who meet his gaze, showing the weight of the burdens he carries. Gideon's strong jawline and a faint hint of a five o'clock shadow give him a rugged charm, while his high cheekbones add a touch of regality to his features. Despite the shadows he navigates, his face often bears a subtle, enigmatic smile, concealing the turmoil within. As a paladin of Waukeen, his expression exudes confidence and determination, reflecting the unwavering commitment he has to protect those who favor the Goddess of Commerce.

Mental characteristics


Gideon's education is a product of his diverse life experiences and the guidance of High Priestess Aria, a devoted servant of Waukeen. While he may not have received formal schooling, growing up in the streets of Athkatla and spending time in an orphanage instilled a sense of resourcefulness and street smarts in him. As a paladin in Waukeen's service, he underwent rigorous training in combat, strategy, and the teachings of his goddess. Additionally, his involvement in the darker side of the merchant trade exposed him to the intricacies of politics and the underworld, honing his understanding of the city's complex web of alliances and power dynamics. Gideon's education is a unique blend of practical skills, divine knowledge, and an understanding of the subtle nuances of Athkatla's society, making him a formidable force in both the lawful and clandestine aspects of the city's life.


Gideon's employment revolves around his role as a paladin in the service of Waukeen, the Goddess of Commerce. His primary responsibility is to protect and guide the merchants who favor Waukeen, ensuring their safety and prosperity in the bustling city of Athkatla. As a respected figure among the merchants, he negotiates fair deals and resolves disputes, upholding the principles of commerce and justice. However, in secret, Gideon engages in more covert and shadowy dealings, dabbling in questionable merchant activities as assigned by the priest of Waukeen, Parvor Suz.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Despite the complexities of his journey, Gideon Hastings has achieved notable accomplishments in his role as a paladin serving Waukeen. Through his dedication and bravery, he settled a longstanding quarrel between two powerful merchant houses, Chainstone and Crimmor, in the Siege of Crimmor. His skillful negotiation and unwavering commitment to justice earned him the elevated rank of paladin, solidifying his position as a respected defender of the city's merchants. Gideon's successes have also extended to protecting and guiding numerous merchants, fostering prosperity and stability within Athkatla's thriving commerce. However, it is his ability to navigate the shadows and entangled web of intrigue while grappling with the darker side of his faith that marks him as a unique and enigmatic figure in the city's intricate political landscape.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite his numerous accomplishments, Gideon Hastings has faced significant failures that weigh heavily on his conscience. His early involvement in the criminal underworld and the choices he made led to his father's imprisonment, a haunting reminder of the consequences of his past actions. Additionally, his inability to resist the allure offered by Parvor Suz has placed him on a precarious path, risking his loyalty to Waukeen and the principles he once held dear. These failures have led him to question his own moral compass, grappling with the guilt and inner conflict caused by the shadows he now walks, endangering his sense of self and the purity of his devotion to his goddess.

Personality Characteristics


Gideon's personality is a complex blend of devotion, ambition, and inner conflict. As a paladin of Waukeen, he carries himself with a sense of duty and authority, exuding charisma and inspiring trust in those around him. He is a natural leader, diplomatic and adept at negotiating for the prosperity of merchants he protects. However, beneath his composed exterior lies a man grappling with his own demons. Gideon's internal struggle between loyalty to his goddess and darker temptations adds layers of complexity to his character, making him a multidimensional figure torn between light and shadows.


Contacts & Relations

Mateo Lara, Captain of the City Guard - Acquaintance    High Priestess Aria, Waukeen Priestess - Pivotal mentor and guiding force   Parvor Suz, Waukeen Priest - Enigmatic mentor

Family Ties

Mother - Brothel worker (unknown status) Father - Criminal (prison)

Religious Views

Gideon's religious views are rooted in his deep devotion to Waukeen, the Goddess of Commerce. He wholeheartedly believes in the principles of prosperity, fair trade, and the importance of commerce in shaping the world. As a paladin representing Waukeen, he sees himself as a guardian of her teachings and a protector of those who uphold her ideals.

Social Aptitude

Gideon's social aptitude is a finely tuned skill set, blending charm, diplomacy, and adaptability to effortlessly navigate diverse social settings. As a paladin representing Waukeen, he exudes charisma and confidence, commanding respect from nobles, merchants, and influential figures. His eloquent speech and genuine interest in others make him a sought-after figure in Athkatla. Beyond formal occasions, Gideon's experiences in the shadows have honed his ability to connect with common folk, earning their trust and gathering valuable information discreetly. He gracefully balances his leadership qualities with a humble demeanor, masking his inner conflict and maintaining composure even in the face of challenging circumstances. Gideon's social adeptness allows him to smoothly traverse the complex web of intrigue, protecting merchants while grappling with the allure of dark powers that threaten to consume him.


Gideon's mannerisms are a reflection of his complex nature and the experiences that have shaped him. Despite his tall and commanding presence, he carries himself with a certain air of humility, often bowing his head slightly when greeting others as a sign of respect. In formal settings, when donning his ornate Waukeen outfit, Gideon exudes confidence and grace. He speaks with eloquence and a measured tone, choosing his words carefully to convey authority and conviction. His gestures are deliberate and controlled, adding to the aura of regality surrounding him.   In more informal or secretive situations, Gideon's mannerisms shift subtly. He becomes more observant and watchful, ever mindful of his surroundings and the potential dangers that may lurk. His movements are fluid and quiet, trained in the art of stealth and avoiding unnecessary attention.   When dealing with merchants or those he protects, Gideon exhibits a warm and approachable demeanor. He listens attentively to their concerns, offering sage advice and a reassuring smile. He is skilled at negotiating, able to strike a balance between enforcing justice and ensuring prosperity for all parties involved.   However, beneath his composed exterior lies a turmoil of conflicting emotions. Gideon wrestles with the intrigue offered by Parvor Suz, while also feeling indebted to High Priestess Aria for saving him from a dark path. This inner conflict occasionally manifests in brief moments of tension, visible in furrowed brows or clenched fists.


Gideon's speech is characterized by a measured and composed tone, reflecting his maturity and sense of responsibility. He chooses his words carefully, often speaking with eloquence and precision, making his intentions clear and leaving little room for misunderstanding. When representing Waukeen officially, his speech is formal and respectful, using proper titles and addressing others with courtesy. He shows deference to those in positions of authority, acknowledging their expertise and experience. His sentences flow smoothly, carrying a sense of authority and confidence.   In more informal settings, Gideon's speech remains refined but may show a touch of warmth and camaraderie. He engages in genuine conversations, listening attentively to others' perspectives and offering thoughtful responses. His voice exudes a sense of understanding, providing comfort and reassurance to those seeking guidance.   In secretive or dangerous situations, Gideon adopts a cautious and guarded tone. He becomes more succinct, conveying information concisely to avoid drawing unnecessary attention. He remains vigilant in choosing his words, mindful of potential listeners or adversaries.   However, beneath the polished exterior, there are moments when Gideon's inner conflict surfaces in his speech. These instances may manifest as a slight hesitation or a change in tone, betraying the turmoil he grapples with.   Overall, Gideon's speech reflects his multi-faceted nature, combining formality, warmth, and vigilance. Whether addressing a noble, negotiating with merchants, or confiding in a trusted ally, his words carry weight and purpose, revealing a man who navigates a path of redemption and shadows with clarity and resolve.

Wealth & Financial state

In the nation of Amn, Gideon, who once held the social rank of ore, representing the lowest rungs of society associated with criminals and the destitute, strategically utilized his position within the temple of Waukeen to rise to the esteemed rank of steel. Now considered the best of the working class or even military, he has proven his worth and dedication, using his influence and devotion to the Goddess of Commerce to transform his life and standing within the city of Athkatla.

Gideon Hastings is tall, lean paladin of Waukeen with long black hair tied back, piercing green eyes, dressed in ornate priestly vestments and armor, donning a crimson cloak, and wielding a formidable warhammer.

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Gideon Hastings, Paladin of Waukeen Gideon Hastings, the Shadow Paladin
Year of Death
1686 DR
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Alden Gravewind
Athkatla, Amn
Place of Death
Current Residence
Temple of Waukeen
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Fortune favors the bold, guided by Waukeen's hand!"

Dust in the Wind

Following the harrowing battle with water and ice elementals, we found ourselves in desperate need of a solution to bring our fallen comrade, Haldir, back from the clutches of death. While Ellis sought to ease tensions among the crew, I reached out to Baram using Garreth's voice through the sending stone. Baram, initially puzzled, soon agreed to help us, directing us to Pan's Precious Peaches in Esmeltaran.   As we attended to the bodies of our fallen friends, I led a solemn funeral rite, paying our respects to those who had sacrificed themselves for our cause. Ellis, in his compassionate nature, lent his healing touch to Finegan and Aldin, the latter of whom bore the insignia of the Cowled Wizards. Suspicion hung in the air, but a swift exchange of a crystal ensured our secrets remained safe, at least for now.   Aldin inquired about Haldir's fate, and our explanation of family wishes bought us the time we needed to recover and repair our ship. As the crew reassembled, we managed to persuade them of the necessity for this brief respite, much to Aldin's chagrin. Meanwhile, Mavros and Ellis deliberated over the fate of our newcomers, and Ellis took it upon himself to converse with Aldin.   In their discussion, Ellis uncovered that Necrom was aware of our predicament and awaited our arrival. Suspicion continued to mount, and the revelation that Aldin possessed knowledge of the undead only deepened our concerns. Still, amidst the tension, Ellis found solace in the promise of apple pie.   I, on the other hand, seized an opportunity for a clandestine confrontation with the Cowled Wizard. Armed with my divine blessings and the power of my hexblade's curse, I launched a surprise attack. My strikes found their mark, yet my foe retaliated with a devastating disintegration spell that reduced me to dust. But not before arrows from the crow's nest ended the wizard's life, casting him into the depths of the ocean, where his secrets were buried forever.

Torches and Icicles

Today, our journey took a perilous turn as we found ourselves under attack by water and ice elementals. It was a battle like no other, with the very elements themselves seemingly coming to life to assail us. The relentless assault had us on the brink, but we persevered.   In the midst of the chaos, a revelation struck us like a lightning bolt. We discerned that there was a portal open, a conduit between our realm and the elemental plane, allowing these hostile entities to pour forth. With half of our party engaged in a desperate struggle to save the crew of our ship, I shouted for assistance from the others to help me reach this portal.   I managed to embark on a small boat, but a violent wave sent me hurtling towards the ominous gateway. Haldir, ever quick-witted, realized the impending danger and acted selflessly. He ignited a torch to draw the attention of the oncoming elementals upon himself.   The consequences of our actions were swift and brutal. A colossal ice shard plummeted from above, impaling and grievously wounding Haldir. But there was no time to mourn, for I had to act swiftly. With a focused blast of eldritch power, I targeted a crystalline anchor that maintained the portal's existence. The anchor shattered, and the portal blinked out of existence just as something immense began to emerge from it.   Meanwhile, the elemental, infuriated by the still lit torch, charged, swallowing both it and Haldir whole. Our comrades on the ship managed to dispatch the remaining elementals, but Haldir's wounds were too severe, and he succumbed to them.   Today, we mourn the loss of a dear friend and valiant comrade, a selfless hero who gave his life to save us all. Haldir's sacrifice will not be forgotten, and we shall carry his memory with us on our continued journey, seeking answers and facing whatever challenges lie ahead.

Archdruids and Demon Lords

We awoke to find ourselves in the grove, seemingly having spent a bewildering 15 days within its enchantment. Our appearance had deteriorated, bearing the marks of malnourishment and exhaustion. Eager to leave, we returned to our ship, the Fortune's Favor.   As we approached our vessel, we encountered the young boy and his loyal dog, engaging in a conversation about his hometown, family, and other seemingly ordinary topics. However, suspicion arose, and we cast detect magic, revealing that everything around us was but an elaborate illusion.   Ellis took it upon himself to bring the boy to his home, aiming to liberate him and his illusory mother from this illusion-ridden town.   In a startling twist, the boy's dog transformed into a druid named Seliria Verdantwhisper, who warned us about the dangers of Zophia's meddling in their affairs. Seliria expressed concerns about the boy's awareness and the consequences it might entail.   Ellis assisted the boy in seeing through the illusions with a wand of detection, revealing his mother's true conjuration nature. However, this revelation proved overwhelming, causing the boy to lose his sanity.   Negotiations ensued with Seliria, culminating in a pact to relocate the boy away from the town, for his burgeoning druidic powers made him a target for Zophia. Gideon accepted Seliria's offer of a favor for handing over Zophia's device, but decided to leave the matter for a later time. Haldir inquired about the doves, learning that one of them, Zara, was a barbaric moon druid expelled from her clan.   Prior to their return to the ship, Ellis used detect thoughts on the boy, leading him to recall a traumatic memory of a fire that claimed his parents' lives, ignited by a horned woman with golden eyes.   Shockingly, Gideon confessed that he had delivered a letter to Zophia, a horned woman with golden eyes, omitting the details of his pact to exchange the device for knowledge and his witnessing her interaction with another demon lord.   We departed from the town, only to find it replaced by scorched earth during our evening travels. In the quiet of the night, Gideon privately consulted with Haldir about Malcanthet, the queen of succubi, and her affiliations with various demon lords, excluding Graz'zt. Gideon implored Haldir for discretion regarding the matter of being connected to Graz'zt.   Later that evening, we found ourselves under attack by the three doves, thrusting us into a new and unpredictable confrontation.

The Chains That Bind

We traveled to Purskal on our new ship, Fortune's Favor, with the Klean Sheets, our purchased keel ship, towed behind. Purskal was abuzz with activity as they prepared for the Festival of the Books. We decided to explore a tavern filled with jubilant half-orcs to gather information about the missing scouts.   Gideon inquired with a halfling patron who shared rumors about the scouts. One rumor pointed to ogres in the south, while another hinted at something sinister from the Underdark. Meanwhile, Ellis engaged in a musical performance with a burly elf, and Haldir and his owl noticed a trio of white doves.   Mavros and Haldir decided to send in the goblins, and Shane loosed an arrow at one of the doves. To our astonishment, the dove took the hit, transformed into an elf, and fell into the water. Mavros leaped into the water but was swiftly attacked by a crocodile.   As Gideon continued his inquiries with the bar owner, she alluded to knowing who might be behind the scouts' disappearance but was reluctant to share further details. She did mention discovering armor with circular bite marks, suggesting something unusual.   Mezo and Gideon eventually returned to the ship, but Ellis stayed behind, becoming entangled in a whirlwind romance with the elven woman. Overnight, Ellis, the elf, and even the halfling found themselves wedded. Ellis attempted to evade his newfound companions, but they pursued him relentlessly. A comical incident unfolded as the elf tried to board the keel boat but was promptly pushed off by Amelia.   Our journey continued to Esford, where we encountered a young boy inviting us to his home for dinner and the druids who controlled the bridges, preventing us from progressing. Gideon handled the letter, addressed to a lady named Zophia, while the rest of the group went to parley with the druids.   Meeting Zophia, Gideon delivered the letter, and she requested the delivery of a cricket-like creature to the druids in the grove. In exchange, Gideon negotiated for knowledge and the opportunity for Mezo and Ellis to read one book of their choosing. Suspicion piqued Gideon's curiosity, leading him to spy on Zophia. He ascended upstairs and witnessed her open the scroll, which emitted a puff of violet energy, suggesting an abyssal nature.   Meanwhile, the others proceeded to the grove, where they engaged with a sentient, ancient tree that offered them rest and visions. The group accepted the tree's offer, falling into a deep, comatose sleep state, during which they experienced a vision involving three white doves.   Gideon, spying on Zophia, witnessed her transformation into a demon during a clandestine meeting through a mirror with another demon - one more powerful. The malevolent entity sensed Gideon's presence, Gideon's connection, as he asked Zophia to care for his child. Zophia was tipped off of Gideon's presence, but he escaped.   Gideon rejoined his friends at the grove, offering a locust for safe passage. They were seemingly released from their slumber, but 15 days had mysteriously elapsed when Ellis truly broke them free from this enigmatic enchantment.   The journey continues, filled with intrigue, alliances, and unanswered questions.

Alliances on the High Seas

We launched our attack on the pirate ship with precision and stealth. A sense of urgency filled the salty sea air as the battle ensued. The captain, a desperate and fanatical figure, resorted to drastic measures, uttering chilling words before ending his own life. His ominous warning about "Blackfin" lingered in our thoughts.   As our blades clashed with the pirates, we managed to inflict heavy casualties. The pirate ship itself suffered, engulfed in flames, with the steering wheel damaged, rendering it uncontrollable. Amidst the chaos, we seized an opportunity to parley with some of the surviving pirates. Diplomacy prevailed over the thirst for bloodshed, and they reluctantly agreed to join our cause.   The first mate, making a daring leap from the pirate ship to ours, quickly assessed the dire situation. Realizing the futility of resistance, he pleaded for mercy, and we extended a lifeline by enlisting their help in extinguishing the raging fires that threatened to consume the ship.   Among the spoils of this dramatic encounter, we discovered treasure chests brimming with riches, along with a cache of various perishable goods that could prove valuable in the right market. Haldir's sharp eye uncovered the captain's journal, a locket, and a captivating marble statue resembling a shark, possibly carved from coral or rock sacred to the Sahuagin god Sekolah.   Intriguingly, the merchant ship appeared to be a rival of sorts, en route to Amn for trading. This discovery prompted us to engage the remaining crew members in conversation, revealing insights into the pirate fleet known as the Corsairs. We learned that Blackfin held a commanding presence, and a mysterious wizard operated a teleportation circle in partnership with Brinlaw, facilitating the swift transportation of goods.   Gideon took it upon himself to inspect the contents of the treasure chests, while the rest of us explored the captain's quarters, yielding little more than fine clothing and a sending stone.   Our unexpected alliance with the pirates and the peculiar goblins hidden below decks has added complex layers to our journey. As the sea breeze carries whispers of adventure and danger, we stand at a crossroads, with newfound allies and enigmatic enemies on the horizon.

Unbound Waters

The morning dawned on a day filled with decisions and new paths. Those of us who remained at Mezo's place awoke to a sense of camaraderie as we gathered for breakfast. Meanwhile, Ellis found himself in his own home, only to be greeted by Lysandra, a friend with a sense for the truth that seemed to cut through the air like a blade. As she probed about Casimir's absence, Ellis struggled to maintain his composure, narrowly avoiding her inquisition with the arrival of the rest of our party.   United once again, we began to discuss our future endeavors. Poring over the scrolls in our possession, we debated the best course of action. In the end, the path to Esmeltaran by boat emerged as our choice. With a clear destination in mind, we set out to secure the means for our journey.   Thalindra Saltwater, a contact of Gideon's, became our destination. Leveraging Haldir's connection with the Chainstone family, we negotiated a deal for a keel boat, a venture that sought to foster trade between the Chainstone mines and the Dannihyr family. Gideon, cautious as ever, sought permission from the church, and Priestess Aria granted it under the condition that a sealed letter be delivered to an individual in Esford.   Preparations were made, messages were passed on, and the time came to set sail along the coast to River Esmel. Our journey took an unexpected turn as we stumbled upon a merchant ship under attack by a band of pirates. With a sense of duty and advantage on our side, we readied ourselves to intervene and lend aid to the beleaguered crew.   As we sailed and contemplated our next moves, the names of our destinations and the mysteries they held danced through our minds:   Citadel Rashturl – A stronghold poised against orc invasions, its defensive capabilities hold potential for manipulation by the Unbound. The prospect of an assault during the harsh winter months or even the instigation of an attack by an ancient blue dragon lingered as possibilities.   Esmeltaran – A city plagued by segregation, the halflings lived in distinct isolation. A brewing revolution presented an opportunity for change, while a mysterious creature lurking in Lake Esmel raised questions of manipulation. Could someone be attempting to incite the creature to wreak havoc?   Eshpurta – A bastion of military power and magic, Eshpurta stands under the sway of the Dannihyr family. Past conflicts with an ogre invasion have colored its history, while tensions with the shield council and the presence of a valuable mine add layers to its intrigue.   As we navigate these intricacies and weigh our own roles within them, I can't help but feel the weight of destiny guiding us. The road ahead is fraught with uncertainty, but with the Unbound's cause as our guiding light, we shall face whatever challenges emerge.

The Handler

As the dust of battle settled, we proceeded to loot the fallen bodies, honoring them by burning their remains. Among the spoils, Garreth Crimmor's gleaming full plate and adamantine boots caught our attention, revealing their magical nature. His shield and a sum of 2,000 gold coins added to the hoard. An unexpected discovery came from Ellis, who found a sending stone concealed on Crimmor's person. The halfling carried a collection of daggers, short swords, vials of poison, and a solitary gold coin. The Tiefling's belongings included a curious heart-shaped locket with a hint of illusion magic, along with 160 gold coins and a scarf. Ellis, visibly shaken by the experience, stumbled upon a letter on Casimir's body addressed to Lysandra further deepening his despair.   In a somber act, Ellis resolved to carry Casimir's body for a proper burial. After laying him to rest, we revisited the prison to retrieve the sending stone and shield. With the shield discarded into the water and the sending stone claimed by Gideon through an imitation of Garreth's voice, we made our way back into the city.   However, our return was not without its challenges, as city guards at the gate sought to perform a magic check. Swift thinking and a well-placed bribe from Gideon ensured our entrance. The suggestion of sticking together for the night was met with resistance from Ellis, who chose to return home, undoubtedly grappling with the weight of his friend's loss.   The rest of us sought solace at the Black Frog tavern, only to be met with a surprise in Mezo's room – a figure waiting for us.   As the night unfolded, Ellis, back in the comfort of his parents' house, found himself dreaming of Casimir, a poignant reminder of the bonds we forge and the losses we endure.   Our meeting with Baram, the half-orc handler representing the Unbound, offered information. Mentions of a connected sending stone and an escapee named Cara highlighted the intricate web of intrigue surrounding us. Our new task: to eradicate the remaining Golden Vows cells. Parchments with instructions for Eshpurta, Esmeltaran, and Citadel Rashturl were handed to us, outlining our upcoming journey and responsibilities. As we discussed our roles and responsibilities, it became clear that our pasts and current positions held significance. Mezo's connection to Thalbin, coupled with Gideon's astute observation, added layers to the unfolding narrative.   With unwavering resolve, Baram left us, demonstrating a readiness to navigate the shadows that now encompass us all.


Today, the Unbound revealed themselves to us, shrouded in mystery and blurred by distorted voices. They extended a call to unite and bring down the current regime in Amn, seeking freedom and equality for all. Though my heart was hesitant, the others seemed more accepting of their message. After much discussion and soul searching, I chose to stand with them, understanding that this path may lead to both triumph and darkness.   In a show of camaraderie, the Unbound handed each of us a greater healing potion, a symbol of their trust and belief in our abilities. Our first task was to take out a rival group, a daunting challenge that awaited us.   We found ourselves in a prison, facing a formidable paladin named Garreth Crimmor, devoted to Helm. He met us with a challenge, and as we moved to engage, a sphere of silence dropped upon us, followed by a devastating fireball. Haldir was grappled into the air, but ported out, founding himself on a ledge. The sorcerer took the opportunity to gust Haldir off the ledge, leaving him unconscious but alive.   In a harrowing exchange, Garreth Crimmor stabbed Haldir, draining the last of his breath, but in return, we were able to take him down, Mezo's sword striking true. Despite the loss of Haldir, we pressed onward, Ellis taking down his rival, Casimir Blackthorn.   As we searched the fallen, Mezo found an amulet of Helm, a scroll, and a diamond on the paladin. With determination, I managed to take down a halfling foe, while Mavros faced a harsher fate, collapsing under the attacks of the enemy.   The druid wisely chose to retreat, realizing the battle was not worth her life. In a moment of desperation, the sorcerer jumped off the ledge, sacrificing herself to escape us.   Ellis, with his expert skills, revived Mavros, bringing him back from the brink of death. But it was not enough. Haldir's life hung in the balance, and with the combined efforts of the party and a scroll of raise dead, we succeeded in bringing him back from the brink. Haldir took a breath once more, a testament to the resilience and unity of the Unbound.   As I reflect on the events of today, I can't help but feel a mix of emotions – victory, loss, and the realization that our path as the Unbound has just begun. The journey ahead is uncertain, and I must remain vigilant and true to the principles that guide me. We stand united, bound by our shared purpose, but the shadows of darkness and danger loom on the horizon.   Fortune favors the bold, guided by Waukeen's hand!

The Letter

Today has been a tumultuous day, filled with both triumph and uncertainty. After settling some business in the city, I was approached by a new and unconfident lieutenant who shared troubling news about scouts not returning. I commended him for his diligence and assured him that I would report the matter to the proper authorities.   With a heavy heart, I made my way to the Temple of Waukeen, seeking solace and guidance from High Priestess Aria. Her words were a balm to my troubled soul, reminding me that darkness may dwell within, but there is goodness to be found and embraced.   My path then took me to Parvor who handed me a picture of Thalbin Mordell and Father Adrian Derosian, along with information about a ship named the Ice Breaker. I was tasked to take care of the individuals as well as the ship if possible.   My mission led me to the Ice Breaker, where I took on a disguise to infiltrate the ship and confront my targets. In a moment of swift action and determination, I eliminated the two individuals, but the chaos unleashed something unexpected. A mysterious cube fell out of a chest, releasing slaves held captive within. Amidst the confusion, I seized the opportunity to escape the lower decks with the cube, setting the ship ablaze. However, an enigmatic figure with horns and silver hair appeared, extinguishing the flames with a blast of cold magic. I managed to escape the ship, witnessing the city guards and cowled wizards giving chase after the ship, now identified by sails displaying broken chains and a silver dragon leading their retreat.   Back in the Goldspires, I reported the mission's success to Parvor and handed over the recovered item. He advised me to lay low for the time being, so I returned to my residence.   To my surprise, a black envelope awaited me, inviting my presence outside the grave district that evening. Intrigued and cautious, I decided to attend, seeking to unravel the mystery behind the unexpected summon.   As I reached the meeting place, I discovered others who seemed to share my predicament. Three mysterious figures introduced themselves as the Unbound, and the gravity of the situation deepened.   Additional notes: Mezo, a trained soldier assisting his merchant boss, Thalbin Mordel, found himself involved in a clandestine delivery to a drow merchant ship. Intrigued by an old book at the Lazarus Library about Refrin and lycanthropic dealings, he delves into its secrets. Soon, he too receives a letter summoning him to a meeting outside the grave district at nightfall.   Ellis, returning home with his friend aboard the Ice Breaker, sought to surprise his parents with their unexpected arrival. A delightful meal was shared, but as the evening progressed, Ellis followed his friend to a meeting with a person of gold rank, heading towards the slave district. He too received a letter, shrouding his day with further enigmatic intrigue.   Haldir's musical prowess amazed the audience during his performance, attracting the attention of a Lord who spoke of mysterious mines in the East. Later, the Dannihyr family summoned him to interrogate an individual with knowledge of a ship carrying peculiar elves and a shrinking device. The task was swiftly dealt with, and like the others, Haldir received a similar letter.   Mavros, meanwhile, found himself at the Church of Lathander, engaging in a brief conversation with Father Derosian discussing morality in the name of good. A blonde boy arrived to retrieve a letter from Father Derosian, leading Mavros to follow until the boy arrived at the drow ship, identified as the Ice Breaker. After sharing the information with a handler, he too received a letter.

Internal Conflict

Today was a day of conflicting emotions and uncertain choices. As I rose with the first light, I sought solace in prayer, calling upon Waukeen's guidance and protection, hoping to find clarity in the shadows that surround me. The weight of my responsibilities as a paladin, the protector of merchants, feels heavier each passing day, yet I am committed to upholding Waukeen's principles and serving her faithfully. However, powers offered by Parvor Suz tug at my soul, tempting me with the ability to bring great change, but at a cost I fear to comprehend. Throughout the day, I navigated the intricacies of Athkatla's commerce, finding solace in the merchants' gratitude and success, but my inner turmoil remains. Nightfall brought me back to the temple, where I sought counsel from High Priestess Aria. Her wisdom and compassion provided some comfort, yet the shadows still cast doubt upon my heart. I must find a way to reconcile my devotion to Waukeen with the darkness that encroaches upon my soul, for the path ahead is uncertain, and my choices may define the destiny of not only myself but those I seek to protect.