Lake Esmel Geographic Location in Faerûn | World Anvil

Lake Esmel

A famous lake in the nation of Amn, being the largest freshwater lake in the area. The waters of the lake were dark blue, except in the western shallows, where mineral springs gave it a sea green color. Esmel, as a whole, was unusually deep, so much so that its depth had never been successfully measured. The deepest parts were near the eastern and southern shores; near the northern shores, the depth was close to 100 feet (30 meters), but after only a half mile, the bottom dropped severely.
  The waters of the eastern half of the lake were especially cold, because of snow-melt from the mountains, but the western shallows were fed by several hot mineral springs. These springs were predominantly in Akarav's Bay and filled the air with a strong scent of sulfur.
  The lake was suitable for boating, swimming, and fishing, and the waters were calm, as storms were relatively rare here. For these reasons, the region around the lake was popular as a resort area. To not disturb the tourists, most fishing was done away from the region of Esmeltaran.
  Where the Amstel River entered the lake, red clay was abundant, which was used in making pottery or sculptures.


This lake was revealed to actually be a trapped elemental titan of water left there as a remnant of the Dawn War by Ilmater, Morradin, Correlon, Lathander, and Chauntea. It is not widely known how but the creature was released and returned to the Elemental Plane of Water which caused the lake to disappear.
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