Ingrid Svensson Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Ingrid Svensson

Ingrid Svensson is a seasoned cartographer with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. Her passion for maps and exploration is infectious, and she has dedicated herself to promoting the art of cartography within the city. Ingrid Svensson possesses a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the intricacies of mapmaking. She oversees the guild's operations, ensures the quality of the maps produced by the guild's members, and spearheads various cartographic projects. Isabella is known for her meticulousness and the precision with which she approaches her craft.
  As guildmaster, Ingrid not only provides guidance and mentorship to the guild members but also represents the Cartographer's Guild in dealings with other organizations, city officials, and potential clients. She upholds the guild's reputation and fosters relationships with fellow cartographers, explorers, and scholars to expand the guild's influence and knowledge.
  Ingrid Svensson is well-respected both within the guild and the broader community of Athkatla. Her leadership has propelled the Cartographer's Guild to new heights, making it a reputable institution that serves as a hub of cartographic excellence within the city.
Amnian Social Ranks: Platinum


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