Lysander Ophal Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Lysander Ophal

Lysander Ophal is an enigmatic figure, known for his wild and untamed presence. His piercing emerald eyes sparkle with a mischievous glint, reflecting his unpredictable nature. Lysander's unkempt, shoulder-length auburn hair and disheveled attire further contribute to his unconventional appearance. He carries an air of both charm and chaos, drawing attention wherever he goes.
  Born into the prestigious House Ophal of Crimmor, Lysander grew up surrounded by opulence and privilege. However, he always felt stifled by the rigid traditions and expectations of his noble lineage. In his youth, Lysander discovered his innate sorcerous abilities, which amplified his rebellious spirit and fueled his thirst for independence and adventure.
  Lysander currently holds the esteemed position of Iltarch on the Council of Five, representing the interests of House Ophal. His role is unconventional, often challenging the established norms and traditions within the council. Lysander brings a fresh perspective and an unconventional approach to governance, advocating for individual freedoms and pushing the boundaries of societal expectations.
Amnian Social Ranks: Platinum
Ruled Locations

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